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  1. Crayola

    Seed Sex

    ok, so what can i do to increase the number of females in my garden?
  2. Crayola

    Seed Sex

    ok that's what i figured lol, but i wanted to be sure i wasn't missing out on an opportunity to elimate the possibility of a sausage fest in my growing area lol
  3. Crayola

    Seed Sex

    ok, i heard somewhere that if you interrupt the 6hrs of darkness in a 18/6 cycle with 1hr of light, you'll increase the chance that your plants will be females. is this true? or are the sexes of your plants predetermined at the birth of the seed? what's the deal? :peace:
  4. Crayola

    Mrs Dew Drop... my plant pic

    yeah those cotyledons look a lot different than what you usually see... they are usually oval shaped, kinda like a clover.
  5. Crayola

    When to Use Nutes?

    awesome. yeah, i definitely was thinking that my plants looked small for their age. i always see pics of plants at 2 weeks who have tons of leaves. thanks for the advice!
  6. Crayola

    When to Use Nutes?

    i'm using miracle gro potting mix right now. i won't use it for any other plants though because i hear that it's ph level isn't close to 7. also, i'm definitely going to upgrade my lighting setup in the next two weeks or so. i'd love to find a secondhand 400watt hps somewhere. are the 150watt...
  7. Crayola

    All the trimmings

    haha wow that cake recipe is cool, thanks lexi! tripping for four days seems kinda intense though haha. wow. must have been insane.
  8. Crayola

    When to Use Nutes?

    yeah, those pics were taken right as i was posting this thread lol. the older plants were all between like 5" and 7" tall, but obviously very very leggy. i just buried them so they wouldn't keel over lol. plus i want short stocky plants. so they actually have pretty intricate root systems...
  9. Crayola

    12/12 cycle for how long?

    that's pure insanity! :-o how big did the plant get before harvest?
  10. Crayola

    plant prob helpppppppp

    haha that's a pleasing answer :-) and yeah, those plants look nice :peace:
  11. Crayola

    All the trimmings

    haha i know. grandma's boy is the fuckin best. i love watching that movie and 'joining' them for a smoke whenever alex goes to dante's for a bag. haha! also, that weed tea idea is really intriguing... how many dried leaves do you need to brew yourself a pot?
  12. Crayola

    When to Use Nutes?

    Ok so i just moved my lamp to about 1" above the first set of leaves on my four plants. I'm using 2 40 watt Verilux Instant Sun with Phosphor3 bulbs, each with an output of 2100 lumens. I'm doin 18/6, and i have a fan on a low setting circulating the air near my growing station whenever the...
  13. Crayola

    All the trimmings

    oh wow... i've always just heard to use bud for making butter.
  14. Crayola

    All the trimmings

    haha i guess that answers that one. leaves and stuff other than buds don't contain thc
  15. Crayola

    pollen questions...

    wait... weed won't pollenate itself. it's unlike most other plants in that it can't pollenate itself, because an individual plant won't sport both sex organs. you can have a female plant, which produces thc rich buds, or a male plant, which is only useful if you want it to pollenate your female...
  16. Crayola

    i think i did a bad thing.

    i think he's talking about looking at the little tap root of a newly germinated seed lol
  17. Crayola

    My New Setup. Tips?

    yeah i did watch that first one, it was a fun one to watch. i learned a lot, and he really makes me wanna build my own hydroponics system! the other one i haven't watched yet, i'll have to check it out. i'll definitely have to check ebay for one of those HPS lamps, i'd love to be able to buy one...
  18. Crayola

    my shittty setup

    ok i have a great solution to your lighting problems. go to your local agway, or even better, a lights/electrics store. i went to one near my home, and they had everything from the normal incandescent light bulb to the HID bulbs you'll be wanting to let your babies grow. i picked up 2 Verilux...
  19. Crayola

    My New Setup. Tips?

    oh yeah and i'm probably going to buy another lamp to hang from the frame on my station. i paid about 30 bucks for the fixture and the two bulbs on my current setup. is there any other type of lamp/bulb i should use that falls around the same price range, or should i just buy another one of the...
  20. Crayola

    My New Setup. Tips?

    ok i reburied them and moved the light down about two inches closer. i also turned on my other full spectrum torchiere just for some added lumens, might as well. oh by the way, the pics look really dark... i don't know why, it's actually really bright over at my station. don't worry, i don't...