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  1. roughnice

    How long does a hermie take to show? 4 Weeks Into Flower - Help

    hey man no worries, you should be fine at least from my newbie experience. I had the same problems, my light actually went bad and i had to unscrew it and rescrew it in during the middle of the night to get it to fire back up. the light cycle got a little off and yet they pulled through just...
  2. roughnice

    Transplanting / Repotting during Flowering

    Hey everyone-- I've been flowering for about 18 days now.. they're all very healthy. I have my 2 OG Kush and 1 big bushy bagseed in probably only 2-3 gallon pots at the most, and want to transplant to 5 gallon buckets I bought from home depot. I was just making sure before transplanting...
  3. roughnice

    please help....

    search: ak47. start reading.. haha Marijuana Growing - Search Results thats as far as my help goes
  4. roughnice

    A friendly suggestion

    rev3 got the final word it sounds like !! agreed 8)
  5. roughnice

    California Apartment

    i've got a little closet grow going in cali as well, have a 400w mh/hps light in there, with 3 (inexpensive $$ 15-20 ) fans going. as long as you're moving the air around and keeping the room cool enough you should be fine. i have those three fans, one located near the plants shooting up from...
  6. roughnice


    yeah i've been wondering the same thing man!! it would be awesome.
  7. roughnice

    Weed And Tears??

    take a big ass hit off a good bong with some good bud.
  8. roughnice

    Attack of the Bagseed vs. OG Kush pics!!!

    Hey guys, Well after a few minor issues and one killed OG plant already, here are some pics of my somewhat stealth closet grow. 400w mh/hps - about 4 or 5 days into flowering (vegged for 1 month) pH water around 6, fox farms ocean forest soil and nutes. temps around 75-82. Got one big...
  9. roughnice

    My pot movie

    BrownDirt, Dude, I just got turned on to your videos by a friend the other day, and I watched em all in one sitting. You are the man! And the song..."Blazing Ganja" ---I need that song, lol. take it easy
  10. roughnice

    Grow Going Baaaaaddddd!!!!?????

    no worries man they look fine. the bottom diff. looking leaves are called the cotyledons (sp?) which store nutrients for the early stages of the seedling's lives and wilt out and die when used up.
  11. roughnice

    Starting a autostrain (lowberry)grow now, first grow, need some help/tips

    READ THE GROW FAQ'S at the top, they would tell you the answers to most of your questions right away.... but to germinate just put them inside a damp paper towel, fold it over on top of the seeds, and put it in a plastic bag. then put it somewhere dark (two paper plates...) and place it on...
  12. roughnice

    First Closet Grow <:BlUeBeRrY:>

    yo man, you told me to check out your grow, just looked through it all and am ready to see today's pics!! haha i still have stunted growth / burn spot looking shit on two of mine, and the other two are doing pretty well. everything looks good with yours, they are looking healthy just give...
  13. roughnice

    Help recovering OG Kush shriveling babies!!!!

    bump bumpity bump bump
  14. roughnice

    Help recovering OG Kush shriveling babies!!!!

    Hello everyone!!! I'm at day 17 since planting the seeds in the soil, and have had crazy differences in my plants and their progress. I went with Fox Farms Ocean Forest soil, ph'ed water each time to about 6-6.5...been watering about twice a day , whenever the 400 w mh light dries out the...
  15. roughnice

    Small pots = stunted growth?

    yes, the small pots could be the reason for stunted growth, because the roots don't have anywhere else to expand to. as long as you are very careful transplanting you shouldn't shock them; i'm pretty sure everyone's going to say go ahead and transplant. hope this helps!!
  16. roughnice

    Purple kush

    Definitely would have to be 90 days total, if that is the number you heard...people usually veg around 4 - 5 weeks avg, could be much longer or shorter depending on what you want to do. 90 days of veg would be a pretty ridiculous thing to do I'd think!! :) hope this helps
  17. roughnice

    White Russian start to finish

    nice man i'll want to watch this one, white russian was probably my favorite i've ever smoked. good luck!!
  18. roughnice

    1st Time INDOOR, any advice/input would help!!

    looking real good man - you're having no problems it looks like right now. The height issue you are asking about is no problem- a good rule of thumb people use here is expect them to double or even sometimes triple in size after you switch from veg to flowering stage. happy growing!
  19. roughnice

    Help recovering OG Kush shriveling babies!!!!

    hey guys, just let the soil dry out completely and now it's started today's light cycle, and i watered them now because they definitely were out of water. Hopefully the light won't burn them, they seem ok right now we have 3 fans going in there moving air everywhere. spittn yes we ph'ed the...
  20. roughnice

    Help recovering OG Kush shriveling babies!!!!

    alright well i went ahead and raised them up, now they're at 1 foot from the light. Hopefully it won't burn them... ? It's a little warm when i put my hand over them but not scorching or anything. How does this look ?