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  1. roughnice

    The Illadelph double perc w/ a/c pics

    haha knew everyone would like the extenze, oh and you can also see some medical marijuana soft drink in the back ground next to it! !! and yes stay safe i'll drop a video on there right now 8)
  2. roughnice

    The Illadelph double perc w/ a/c pics

    Hey yo everyone we just picked up this illadelph (an up and coming glass company that is comparable to roor in quality) and wanted to share, its awesome. hits so huge and still so smooth, no coughing :) 9mm shotgun ash catcher with splash guard chamber , pinched ended slotted downstem in...
  3. roughnice

    Paranoia while baked

    yeah happens to the best of us, i am always smoking too much and then spasticly swinging my head around thinking someone is behind me at times when of course its all my imagination. haha
  4. roughnice

    My Question...

    yes x2 you will definitely be able to get one easily. i'm in cali too and have my card. good luck and happy growing.
  5. roughnice

    Smoke Rings

    yeah smoke rings are dope looking and its easy to learn when you have a hookah, bunch of tobacco and its very smooth. i can do it with both tobacco and mari j but you must take a pretty sizable rip to get some good ones with the mari j.
  6. roughnice

    Old leaves yellowing and dying

    i'd say (i'm no pro by any means) that that plant looks too early in flowering / buds not developed enough for that kind of yellowing to be taking place all over the place. picasso's quote is definitely a good point but i think it's referring to more of the yellowing at the end of the...
  7. roughnice

    Htg supply

    yeah i bought a set up from them a while back, had a few issues with the light and also with a busted open nutrient container, and each time I just easily called them up, told them the issue, and was sent replacements right away, free of charge or questions asked. They also even upgraded me to a...
  8. roughnice

    Nobody said I had to have patience for this! HOW MUCH LONGER!!!!

    lets see some og kush pics !! :) im on day 43 or 44 flowering of my two og kush ladies
  9. roughnice

    How Often To Feed Nutes?

    you could switch to some other nutes possibly fox farms and see how they work?? that could help. otherwise you just have to find the right balance i suppose.
  10. roughnice

    Cannabis -- A fluke in nature?

    interesting... i have a bible quote for you guys in sig
  11. roughnice

    How Often To Feed Nutes?

    there's no real schedule to follow, most people just go by what their plants look like, increasing nutes to them as they get bigger and start taking in more.... but what i've been doing is nute water one day, then try to switch to regular water the next day...then back to nutes. im about 40...
  12. roughnice

    Good place to get a growing light?

  13. roughnice

    Biology lesson.

    This thread is amazing! I just learned about alternation of generation last week. Its cool to see things connecting from the classroom to a hobby. And I'm gonna go look at some journals...
  14. roughnice

    girls need help

    ok you're going to want to put some pictures on here, first of all so that people can see the problems you're describing. Have you been using nutrients at all? and if so try backing off the nutrients and just using water. Speaking of water make sure that it is pH'ed to the correct point (between...
  15. roughnice

    Biology lesson.

    subscribed. As an undergrad bio student, i'm interested in your experiments/results. Keep us posted.
  16. roughnice

    My youngest are sick

    Yes webwalker is right- they are basically called cotelydons or something like that and they store the first little bit of nutrients the plants need to get going. so they will die off and that is completely normal. they look fine and healthy to me.
  17. roughnice

    My Plants Stop Growing Vertically

    tin foil will not reflect light as much as it will heat, causing some burning, so take that out and get some mylar, or get just some white paper and line it in there. on the vertical growth not 100% sure, as long as the plant looks green and healthy and the roots aren't filling the pot / have no...
  18. roughnice

    Htgsupply really is badass!

    yeah htgsupply rules. had a problem with a busted open fox farms nute bottle, they sent a new one free of charge of course...then had a light problem w/ my hps bulb, they sent another one no hassle asap. i highly recommend them :)
  19. roughnice

    Roor Bongs

    go illadelph...
  20. roughnice

    How long does a hermie take to show? 4 Weeks Into Flower - Help

    yeah just keep an eye on the plants that were affected and watch for balls but if i had to guess i'd say it will have just stressed them a little and caused some stunted growth, nothing too major hopefully!!