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  1. D

    sump pump + dehumidifier + waterproof room design to prevent h&m for underground g.r?

    As for the dirt it will be a good bit of work but not near inpossble will take me like one full day to sped it all out over the forest floor. Yes roots are a bitch, I was using a bc hainsaw abd pick axe to get thru them. Am just gunna get a excavator.
  2. D

    sump pump + dehumidifier + waterproof room design to prevent h&m for underground g.r?

    Dude I'm so sick of you negitive ass people that keep assuming shit. I'm not using only wood and joint compound I'm just not going to listevery fucking step in waterproofing, and no shit the hole is big that was a quality obversavtion I had no idea, that's why I'm using excavator to dig it.
  3. D

    sump pump + dehumidifier + waterproof room design to prevent h&m for underground g.r?

    You didn't answer my does it have to be a solid 6 ft all out of could I use the metal tube I said I my last post
  4. D

    My temps are too high!!

    Why would you do all that complicated shit and not just get an ac unit and just plug it up as you would your lights? 77 with no lights is a little high so I would hit the room with ac to get it to the right temp and then itll stay at it when the lights are on. I would highly highly recommend...
  5. D

    sump pump + dehumidifier + waterproof room design to prevent h&m for underground g.r?

    Another question about the 6ft dog thing... If I have a sealed trapdoor, could I put some big metal tube with a ladder and asealable lid on top of trap door so I only have to dig a couple of feet...or will this totally negate the whole 6ft under dog smelling rule If their nose has a access...
  6. D

    sump pump + dehumidifier + waterproof room design to prevent h&m for underground g.r?

    Ah ok tell me if I've got it. I'm first going to dig elevated trenches (outside of the floor at a slope with trenches in it leading to the big pit in the center) then the sump pump is placed in that hole with the water level activation valve and the output water of the pump should be ran away...
  7. D

    sump pump + dehumidifier + waterproof room design to prevent h&m for underground g.r?

    Well I want the pvc pipe to be carring water thru it...if I seal the hole around the pvc pipe comin up thru the floor, will it still get this good air pressure you say will help? Or a better idea to leave the hole unsealed? Maybe better idea to leave the hole open and able to be enough to...
  8. D

    sump pump + dehumidifier + waterproof room design to prevent h&m for underground g.r?

    I'm sorry I'm a little confused so your saying don't seal the hole the pvc pipe is going thruso the air of the grow room can push down out of the crevaces of the hole?
  9. D

    sump pump + dehumidifier + waterproof room design to prevent h&m for underground g.r?

    How about pvc pipe coming thru the floor into a container to collect the water? Sealed back of course
  10. D

    sump pump + dehumidifier + waterproof room design to prevent h&m for underground g.r?

    I get what your saying Bout the sump pump now. As far as entering and leaving the I will have a big tube thing with a lid that goes up to about 2 feet underground, then down in there I go to the roof of the dweelling where there is a very well sealed trap door. Thank you for your help
  11. D

    sump pump + dehumidifier + waterproof room design to prevent h&m for underground g.r?

    I don't think you understand, once my hole is dug I'm going to build it fully then fill all the sides and top with dirt so its just surrounded by dirt. If I did the sump pump the suction end would just have to be suspended in the dirt somewhere (or multiple places?) Also I am planning to buy a...
  12. D

    sump pump + dehumidifier + waterproof room design to prevent h&m for underground g.r?

    First I am coating all parts of all wood (treated) with wood protector stain. And using polyurothane sealant and joint compound. Then using epoxy and staples ill attatch building paper, then layer of roofing tar and lastly roofing sheet....then on the outside a waterproof membrane. I really...
  13. D

    thoughts on lighting

    If you have the ability to save up some money aren't living completely paycheck to paycheck I would definately save up the extra $ and go with leds. Look for led lamps with high watts per led. Solarstorms have 5w which is pretty good and also have 2 t10s for uvbs then there's also this diamond...
  14. D

    sump pump + dehumidifier + waterproof room design to prevent h&m for underground g.r?

    I saw. What did you do to waterproof your room? I don't want to use concrete anymore I feel as tjough its unnessesary. What do you think of my plan?
  15. D

    suggestions or advice on my new stelth idea

    I can promise you 2 things, I am going through with this, and that there will be a very detailed post about my long process :D
  16. D

    sump pump + dehumidifier + waterproof room design to prevent h&m for underground g.r?

    okay so ive been posting a good bit about this and im back with another consideration.........I want to dig a big hole around 16x18 and put a 12x14 sized room inside. this room needs to be waterproof to prevent humidity and mold AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE, just enough to not seap through I understand...
  17. D

    suggestions or advice on my new stelth idea

    Okay so this is what I am planning.. Using mini excavator..dig 14x16x10ft hole into the dirt...use plywood walls made to same heigth to shore the walls...put in afer the hole is dug and can be evened out once in place. Put tarp over evened floor (under the wall!) Once this hole is dug...
  18. D

    operating 1000w total power grow with batteries?

    I live in south carolina where there's always a loud engine going on at any time of day or night so i don't think anyone will question that. Plus ill be going late.
  19. D

    operating 1000w total power grow with batteries?

    This. What about keeping a cheap car over there to come by once a day, start it up and give it some revs to charge the batterys, and then plug them back up and leave? I could do it in the dark part of the cycle so it wouldn't interfere with the light cycle. The temp control, dehum, and...
  20. D

    operating 1000w total power grow with batteries?

    This. What about keeping a cheap car over there to come by once a day, start it up and give it some revs to charge the batterys, and then plug them back up and leave? I could do it in the dark part of the cycle so it wouldn't interfere with the light cycle. The temp control, dehum, and...