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  1. DropWalk

    56 Pounds of You Fucked Up

    Solar is Expensive to setup and nets you a higher kwh for years before you see the payback and gas for genny isnt economical. Power from the pole will always be cheaper in the long run. I have explored endlessly trying to cheaper power and in my experience you can beat the power company right...
  2. DropWalk

    Is the World Flat? The Flatlander's theory..

    Do you think we could grow dank on mars like Mark Watney? and oswald did it.....
  3. DropWalk

    3 Word Story

    Make me high
  4. DropWalk

    600 Watt HPS Bulb Quality, $75 Eye Hortilux vs $20 Apollo Horticulture

    Ive used the hortilux, digilux and sunmaster and I find that there isnt much difference over the first 4-6 months but the last 6 you can notice the light difference between them all. The hortilux stays brighter longer. This is based on 1k watt bulbs.
  5. DropWalk

    Flood and Drain Table Question

    You need alitlle more space to get over the 1.5#. Knowing the strain really helps in a SOG setup. I shoot for 4 plants per square.
  6. DropWalk

    SOG Pot Size

    The smaller pots will be fine. I run 4x4x4 grodan blocks and saw no difference in bigger blocks or when I used bigger pots filled with hydroton.
  7. DropWalk

    hydroton? vs rocowool

    I used to run hydroton in a sog but switched to rockwool. I got so beat washing it after a run. Did save money but not time for me.
  8. DropWalk

    Highest yield 4x8 space

    Your Killing it man! :clap: Might have to give coco a try!
  9. DropWalk

    Super Skunk & Critical Kush Grow

    Looking forward to this one!
  10. DropWalk

    Realistic Yield per plant

    That a serious question? Cloning isnt that hard....
  11. DropWalk

    Highest yield 4x8 space

    6 months and three harvests later :bigjoint:
  12. DropWalk

    Highest yield 4x8 space

    What are loose cubes? I run 2 1k's over a 4x8 as well. Always wondered if 3 600's would be better.
  13. DropWalk

    Indoor 882 sq ft BASEMENT

    1 to 1.5 average a light is a realistic number. Its tough to pull anymore than that with a new strain and setup. Your going to have to dial it in before you see big returns.
  14. DropWalk

    trying to kill a 4x4 tent, 2lbs is it possible?

    Your gonna need more AC.....4x8 with 96 in hydroton or rockwool. 70 gal rez. From cut to 12/12 5 weeks and you should come very close to 4 bows.....
  15. DropWalk

    Quest for 5lb 3x6 2k watts

    Yes everything is from clone. I clone into rapid rooters and 4-5 weeks later they go to the blocks and 12/12. I only flood once per day at lights on. Rockwool stays plenty wet between waterings. Last run was about 5 per sq/ft and this run is about 3 per sq/ft.
  16. DropWalk

    Quest for 5lb 3x6 2k watts

    New run already going 52plants (3 per sq/ft) on 3x6 2k watts
  17. DropWalk

    Quest for 5lb 3x6 2k watts

    Ended up with 1360g. Thanks for watching!
  18. DropWalk

    Quest for 5lb 3x6 2k watts

    Day 60 Ill chop in a day or so.....
  19. DropWalk

    Quest for 5lb 3x6 2k watts

    Day 43 43% say less than 2lb? 1.9-2.0 ec