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  1. Flash4211

    30X USB Scope - Enough to say go/no-go?

    So, these were taken with a Zorb USB camera. Through the 100X pocket scope, they're 75% cloudy. Can anyone comment on these pics? More importantly, can anyone suggest a higher-resolution USB cam? Thanks!:peace:
  2. Flash4211

    Help! Science Project with my Son

    Excellent thought, GT. Outdoor cost is virtually 0, indoor has cost for power and nutes, and possibly labor. You're right, it would be a much more meaningful result. But I don't understand why you'd expect a better yield from outdoor plants....?
  3. Flash4211


    Yeah, I use a 60x-100x pocket scope. It's very hard to keep everything steady enough to get a good look, but once you have everything right, the trichomes just jump out at you. Too bad, no way to take a pic through those hand-held scopes. I also have a Zorb digital USB scope that takes...
  4. Flash4211

    Help! Science Project with my Son

    You know we're growing green beans, right? Got 3 indoor grows of mj going, but this is a segregated science project I'm doing with my ten-year-old son. Might as well put my hydro experience to use, right? Anyway, beans do have a veg and flower state. I didn't notice the part B of this...
  5. Flash4211

    Help! Science Project with my Son

    I get what you're saying, missnu, and I understand the scientific principal. It's an issue of defining "Hydroponic Growing." For our purposes, that will include all the common elements: controlled light, nutrients, temperature, and environment. Versus "Natural Growing" where those elements are...
  6. Flash4211


    Peak harvest time is mostly a matter of trichomes. There's a good sticky in the Harvesting & Curing forum: Keep reading, and good luck!
  7. Flash4211

    Help! Science Project with my Son

    Thanks, HR. Got a bag of the GH Maxigro on the way. GH says it's good for hydro. I'm sure you gotta be real aggressive about making sure it gets fully dissolved before going into the res. I'll put the plants on 1/2 strength after they're big & strong enough to move to the Grodan cubes, then...
  8. Flash4211

    Lights or no lights when flushing?

    Yeah, there's a lot of myth and unfounded opinion mixed in with the good stuff here. I appreciate your insight. It took a few res changes, but the ladies are getting straight ph water now. 1 or 2 more days of 3x/15min "feedings", and I cut. Another quick harvest-time question - all the...
  9. Flash4211

    Lights or no lights when flushing?

    Thanks, KBO! I don't know why, but it's very hard to find straightforward and basic information on this topic. +rep for sorting this out for me!:peace:
  10. Flash4211

    Help! Science Project with my Son

    Hmmmmm..well, the whole point of this experiment is to demonstrate the improved food yield of hydro vs "natural" grown beans. So, it's no problem that the lighting, pest, and other environmental variables is different - the point is that with hydro, you can control all those factors to improve...
  11. Flash4211

    Lights or no lights when flushing?

    Please, somebody help a noob...... my girls are ready to harvest, trichomes say so. This is a hydro ebb/flow system. I need to flush to make sure bud burns and tastes right. So I figure run it three to five days on straight ph water. But what about lights??? Many say you want darkness...
  12. Flash4211

    Help! Science Project with my Son

    Well, the idea is to show that hydro beans produce more than garden-grown, and one big advantage of hydro is the ability to increase light to increase yield. Plus, I'm using T5's, very cheap to run. Am I missing something, ie, the plants need some dark hours? Good point on what points of...
  13. Flash4211

    Trichomes say they're ready; questions on flushing & light

    This was accidentally posted in a sticky:oops:, Re-posted here. I'm at the end of my first grow, and just now figured out how to use my little pocket scope to view trichomes on my ladies (six G13 Haze, ebb/flood, Hydroton, 1000W HPS, etc, ten weeks into flower). Great jumpin Jehoshaphat!!! I...
  14. Flash4211

    noob question about fans pls help lol

    If the six inch fans oscillate, go with those. Are they clip-ons?
  15. Flash4211

    Help! Science Project with my Son

    Hey, thanks, guys, some golden information here. I'll definitely skip the Miracle Grow and go with hydro nute. I read up on innoculants; you treat the seeds before planting, and the bacteria will take up housekeeping. It looks to me like they'll be fine in hydro. I've got a 4-foot, 4-tube...
  16. Flash4211

    NEWBIE!! to photo strain-(cotton candy)&(green love potion)

    The main difference between auto and photoperiod strains is light control. You veg at 18/6 or 24/0, and you flower at 12/12. You have fairly little vertical grow space there, so you'll need to go from veg to flower pretty quickly to manage canopy height, especially for the cotton candy, which...
  17. Flash4211

    4" x 4" Grow room - optimal number of plants?, size? #HelpMePls

    I have six G13 Haze (a mostly Sativa strain) in a 48X48X72, with a 1000W HPS, and despite aggressive topping, supercropping and LST'ing, they've filled the grow space so completely that the walls of the tent are bulging out. Kind of a "Cube Of Green" lol. So, choose your strain with available...
  18. Flash4211

    Opinions on Attitude Seeds?

    The site says they repack them, which is why I don't order that way. Like you, I want the original breeders packs. I always order with the coffee mug - they tuck the breeders packs into the mug, and the mug is well-packaged. One time I got a broken handle, but that's it. It sure protects...
  19. Flash4211

    Help! Science Project with my Son

    OK, the pollination question is resolved. All beans self-pollinate, so I don't need to worry about doing it manually, or inviting some bees into the the garden for the plant equivalent of an orgy! Still not sure about optimum light though. Would it make sense to use 6500K during veg, and...
  20. Flash4211

    Help! Science Project with my Son

    Thanks, DB. I guess I'll just use some MG on both the garden and hydro plants, and see what happens. Wow, an actual science project!:grin: I have T5 6500's and 2700's for light. What do you think? Mix 'em up and light 'em up 12/12? Oh, and I need to find out about pollination, I know that...