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  1. NorthernCali13

    !HELP! What is better...White walls or Aluminum/ Metal walls for grow room

    Not sure what "mylar" is. Can I get it at home depot? And is it better than white boards?
  2. NorthernCali13

    !HELP! What is better...White walls or Aluminum/ Metal walls for grow room

    wow great point. Let me tell you what Im using....... I have a grow room of about 12x7 and about 6 feet high. I have two 1000W HPS I will be putting in there..... now what do you think? I dont want to burn anything. thanks
  3. NorthernCali13

    !HELP! What is better...White walls or Aluminum/ Metal walls for grow room

    Im setting up my room and I was wondering what I should get for the walls. They have these boards that have aluminum on one side of them I was thinking about using or just getting regular boards and painting them white. Help me out. late
  4. NorthernCali13

    presidential poll

    LOL yes Mary's lover, it was a "high thought" very hypothetical. Read up bro. You wanna quote so bad, quote this.......... “Once I’m elected, I want to organize a summit in the Muslim world, with all the heads of state, to have an honest discussion about ways to bridge the gap...
  5. NorthernCali13

    presidential poll

    Bongulator, I like hearing what you have to say but wow. Heres where we differ. Equal for ALL including whites, agreed. No favorites. Taxes should be fare. Everyone pays the same. You wanna make more... then do it (sorry, conservative way of thinking, you might not understand, keep waiting...
  6. NorthernCali13

    presidential poll

    lol this is California, arrested for what? Thats funny that almost all those things you said about Obama's voting has changed a few times. Very flip flopity. Hes a yes man. He'll go where the polls take him.
  7. NorthernCali13

    presidential poll

    I agree and disagree with Bush. I really don't agree with anything the Libs say or talk about, maybe one or two things...maybe, but not a lot.
  8. NorthernCali13

    presidential poll

    hahahaha weed isn't the reason Im voting. I would legalize it, but Im not the pres. In fact, there are some good things about weed being illegal....$...... But people do need it. Naw man, I don't have pinkeye.... Im just really hiiiiiiiigh
  9. NorthernCali13

    presidential poll

    lol yes it would explain a lot. I believe that there is brain difference between libs and cons. I guess were the more "go getters" and the libs just keep waiting for the hand outs.
  10. NorthernCali13

    presidential poll

    Freedom. Shouldn't everyone have the ability to be free. Say and do what you want w/o someone telling you otherwise? Yes Saddam is gone and thats great for the country of Iraq and the US. A Very bad person and I hope you agree with that. Now these people have a chance to be free and grow...
  11. NorthernCali13

    presidential poll

    P.S. I really feel that way but don't get all mad and upset. Its all in good fun. But for real.... McCain 08' late
  12. NorthernCali13

    presidential poll

    OMG, You Liberals make me sick, keep whining and bitching about everything. Raise taxes, keep high gas prices, pull out of a winning war just to start it all over again a few years down the road. nice. Heres one for you. I think McCain is even too much of a Liberal. I didn't vote for him...
  13. NorthernCali13

    Obama the Messiah

    lol I love Freedom of Speech. Im not to sure where that came from............. hmmmmmmm alittle high? Peace Im out, time for daddy to get some.
  14. NorthernCali13

    are TWO 1000W HPS lights to much for my grow room of 12x7?

    Thanks everyone, So its ok to use both 1000W HPS in my room? I have a vent that is in the middle and Im only going to have a fan going when the lights are on. I hope that the heat wont get too high. What is a good temp when the lights are on? And how many plants do you think I could get in...
  15. NorthernCali13

    Obama the Messiah

    I really think its funny when people think that our nation is such a bad place. Were so mean to everyone and nobody likes us. Boo hoo. Nobody fu*ks with us either, and when they do "ka-boom"! Were on them like stink on shit. We need to have a strong military and show the world that if you...
  16. NorthernCali13

    are TWO 1000W HPS lights to much for my grow room of 12x7?

    Hello, Im just starting to move inside and I've been setting up my growroom. I have two 1000w HPS lights and I was wondering if that would be to much light in a room thats 12'x7'. Or would one 1000w HPS be good enough. I want really good weed. Anyone? thanks :joint:
  17. NorthernCali13

    What is the best strain I can get?

    hmmmmmm ok ok I hear you. Then what is the best strain for an up-tempo high? Meaning I dont want to be "couchlocked" I want to be able to do stuff.
  18. NorthernCali13

    Obama the Messiah

    Ummmm I think he did, he served as an F-102 pilot for the Texas Air National Guard before beginning his career in the oil and gas business in Midland in 1975... Google it or something. Liberals.... always talking before knowing the facts.... I wouldn't expect anything less. ;-)
  19. NorthernCali13

    HPS and fluorescents... Can you do that?

    Ok so I lied about how big the room is. After I put walls up and everything its about 12x7' is that too small for two 1000W hps? I'll post another thread asking that too
  20. NorthernCali13

    Obama the Messiah

    Ummmm yes he did. He was in the Texas National Guard and flew jets. Make fun of only being in the guard all you want, but at least he was in unlike 98% of the population in the US that has never served in the Military.