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  1. NorthernCali13

    Obama the Messiah

    "afghanistan warriors into hiding'' - Really? First of all, when do "warriors" hide? There not "warriors" by any means. They are farmers and regular people with AK's that "spray and pray" when in a battle. They are recruited by the Taliban by force. Anyways we did take them and they will...
  2. NorthernCali13

    HPS and fluorescents... Can you do that?

    Nice, I was thinking about doing that. I would have the HPS above and the Flours on the sides. For time I was thinking 10 hours HPS and 3 hours Flours, overlapping one hour of both HPS and Flours in hour 9. So I'd still have 12/12. So does anyone think that 2 1000w HPS is too much for a 15x8...
  3. NorthernCali13

    HPS and fluorescents... Can you do that?

    ok, so Im going to go with what I have now, 2 1000W HPS. But Im still going to look into the Flours. Im sure it cant hurt!
  4. NorthernCali13

    HPS and fluorescents... Can you do that?

    I was thinking that there might be no need......BUT what if I put the HPS on for 10 hours and the Fluoros on for 2, or 8 and 4, for different light. Would that do anything? let me know! And is one 1000w hps big enough for my 15x8 room?
  5. NorthernCali13

    What is the best strain I can get?

    Im about to get some seeds and I want to know what the best marijuana out there is? What is the best right now? I was thinking maybe some afghani, trainwreck, purple, but I dont know. please help!
  6. NorthernCali13

    HPS and fluorescents... Can you do that?

    ok so I'm kinda new to this, grown outdoors and that worked really well. Now moving indoors and Im setting up my room. Its about 15x8'. I have 2 1000HPS lights and a 600HPS light. The 600HPS is going to be used in a different room for the youngin's. I want the best/biggest bud. It seems...
  7. NorthernCali13

    Obama the Messiah

    ok ok, last one. Im sure I'm out numbered on here with all the liberal talk but last one and Im out. Wordz you have no idea what your talking about with the Russians. That was a different war, different time. Cannot be compared. I am a soldier that was deployed to Afghanistan 2005-2006...
  8. NorthernCali13

    Obama the Messiah

    lol your a funny guy. But your wrong about gas prices and drilling. Im all about other sources for power and electric cars etc.... but we need help now and drilling will be offshore bla bla bla you've all heard it before. I'm all for it. I have a small business and gas is killing me as it is...
  9. NorthernCali13

    Obama the Messiah

    Well first of all, Obama has switched his statements about when he wants to pull us out IF he gets in. And im sure he'll change it again. Taliban fighters are in Iraq as well as Afghanistan, you can argue with that but the facts are they are there. I would love to see the Iraq Military hold...
  10. NorthernCali13

    Obama the Messiah

    Thats crazy, Obama is going to raise taxes. And what is Obama going to fix? He wont off shore drill to lower the price of gas. He will raise taxes on EVERYONE. He will pull us out leaving us very venerable to attacks on our soil. Tell me what he will fix? Tell me what he is going to make...
  11. NorthernCali13

    Obama the Messiah

    Obama is very scary, I know theres a lot a hype about this guy and he's a good speaker, but I have to believe that America is smart to vote him in. What does anyone know about him? I've been over seas and things are getting better for the people over there. The people want us there to help...