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  1. G

    im just posting a picture of my babies...

    OK. I took a 3 hour nap and woke up to check on my girls and some had this white sorta stain look on the leaves. Could this be from giving the plants that pinch of epsom salt with one watering???
  2. G

    im just posting a picture of my babies...

    Here is another picture of my girls after a nice little shower!
  3. G

    im just posting a picture of my babies...

    I found this guy selling these MH lights here on craigslist please let me know if they are worth purchasing...
  4. G

    im just posting a picture of my babies...

    could i get away with 2 24w 6500k floros in the meantime?
  5. G

    im just posting a picture of my babies...

    I will be growing in soil and yes i have a fan along with the light schedule 18/6.also,the 3 weeks is with germ time. From the moment i planted the seed in the rock wool is when i started counting lol. so really after the stem and leaf came out was about a week.
  6. G

    im just posting a picture of my babies...

    thank you for that. I read and posted on your blog. I have been getting a bit carried away lol only because i want whats best for my girls. when i wake up i mist them go to work come back mist them again. then before i go to bed i mist them again. I water about every 4-5 days only because they...
  7. G

    im just posting a picture of my babies...

    thx for the post. Anything that i need to be doing better? Also, I gave my plants epsom salt because my clone was turning yellow and from all the reading i believe im giving my plants a decent starter amount of <N> so the only other thing was Mg. after feeding epsom salt yesterday the plants...
  8. G

    im just posting a picture of my babies...

    let me know what you all think and any/all advice will be taken into heavy consideration! These are my little ones. mind that the 1st cube up top is my clone. I have one in soil just to see the roots grow through. Sometime this week I will be transplanting them into soil. I will be purchasing...
  9. G

    Up to Date Photos of Your Girls!

    Here is the beginning of week 3. what do you all think? Am I doing a decent job??? the cube next to the cup up top is my exile clone. the rest were from seeds. I will be putting them into pots with soil at the end of this week. Roots have started to grow out the bottoms of the cubes.
  10. G

    Brown spots on exile clone leaves. Please help.

    sooooo. any advice from the pros? even newbs who know more than i do. please.
  11. G

    Brown spots on exile clone leaves. Please help.

    yeah i presoaked the rockwool in 5.5 ph distilled water. the nutes im using are insta green 3-0-0, floramicro and floragro also in 5.6 to 5.8 ph'd water. I bought the clone from my local dispensary. They were the ones who snipped the clones and i believe it had those spots on the leaves when i...
  12. G

    Brown spots on exile clone leaves. Please help.

    great! So at this point, should i cut those leaves or buy some insect spray from my local hydroponic store???
  13. G

    Brown spots on exile clone leaves. Please help.

    Brown spots have appeared on my clone leaves and was just wondering if it was some kind of insect or was it lack of nutes or too much nutes.
  14. G

    1st time grower with quite a few questions.

    So I just want to know, how long would i need to leave my seedlings and a exile clone in the humidity dome??? and at this point do i need to water every other day and in between those days spray light mixed nutes on them?? and how many times a day.
  15. G

    1st time grower with quite a few questions.

    some advice would be appreciated :joint:
  16. G

    1st time grower with quite a few questions.

    and also, at this point, should i just be misting and keeping adequate light on them? what about nutes? should i be spraying the rock wool with light nutes with water?
  17. G

    1st time grower with quite a few questions.

    ooopppss hahaha. i meant hydroton or soil haha. I was stoned when i wrote this post
  18. G

    1st time grower with quite a few questions.

    Hello again. I just wanted to know.... about how long should i wait to put this plant and the others into rock wool or soil???
  19. G

    hello, i was wondering after transplanting to the bigger rock wool cube, when should i put that...

    hello, i was wondering after transplanting to the bigger rock wool cube, when should i put that in hydroton or soil?? and how often should i mist my plants?
  20. G

    rock wool

    oh another thing.... how often should i mist my plants???