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  1. G

    rock wool

    well when the plants have grown for a while i will switch to the metal halides. i was told though, that this light would be ok.
  2. G

    rock wool

    at this point, how long should my light stay on? should i put them on a 20/4 or 18/6???
  3. G

    rock wool

    ok thank you for the replies. I will open the top for about 4 hours and get the light closer. what about lighting.. should i keep the lights on for 24 hours or 20/4?
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    rock wool

    well they are in a humidity dome right now for humidity. my lights are flourescents 2 24w 6500k tubes by sunleaves. i have it right above the dome. should i not keep it in a dome? or take the top off and move it right above the leaves?
  5. G

    rock wool

    I germinated 6 seeds about a week ago and once i saw the root break shell i placed the seeds in 1 inch rock wool after being soaked in 5.5 ph water. My seedlings are now 3 inches to 5 inches in size. How long should I wait to transfer my 1 inch rock wool to the bigger rock wool cubes? As of now...
  6. G

    my first plant and leaves are turning light green to yellow

    well it looks like she is dying.. i will post pictures up today. maybe i should not have gotten og kush clone as my first plant.. ive heard that og kush is the hardest plant/clones to grow.
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    my first plant and leaves are turning light green to yellow

    Ok. Ph level is @ 6.0 temp is at 79-81 degrees. I have a fan on in the closet that's blowing cool air not directly on the plant though. Humidity is about 45-50. So... eliminate the soil and just use hydroton? Then water by hand and mix premixed nutes in the water that I will be watering the...
  8. G

    my first plant and leaves are turning light green to yellow

    ok. thank you guys for the advice. i will move the light closer and as far as fert and nutes, which would you all suggest?
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    my first plant and leaves are turning light green to yellow

    well to give a little background on my setup... i am running or was running a drip hydroponic system but figured since it kept the soil wet all the time it would kill the plant by over watering then i just switched to soil and hydroton and mixed some nutes with the water. floramicro with...
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    my first plant and leaves are turning light green to yellow

    a lot of views but nobody helping... please i need as much advice as i can get.
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    my first plant and leaves are turning light green to yellow

    by the way im also using 2 6500k floro light suspended in a closet about 1 ft from the plant. is this ok???
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    my first plant and leaves are turning light green to yellow

    ok. i bought some nute called insta grow it is 3-0-0 <3% nitrogen> i foliar fed my girl. would it be wise for me to direct feed the roots as well???
  13. G

    my first plant and leaves are turning light green to yellow

    any help would be appreciated. plzzz. this is my first grow and dont want her to die.
  14. G

    my first plant and leaves are turning light green to yellow

    here is a picture of my plant. I hope someone is willing to help me out.
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    my first plant and leaves are turning light green to yellow

    After buying the clone and putting it in a pot with hydroton with an aerated system with an airstone for oxygen while my plants roots stay submerged in water. I had mixed in sink water, floremicro, floragro and florabloom as nutrients for my plant. With 4 gallons of water in my bucket, I under...