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  1. densefoggyforest

    seedling no true leaves

    Hello, I don't really need to save this seedling, I'm just curious about what could be going wrong with it. (my conditions are fine) It's been above ground for about 10 days now without growing any true leaves after the cotyledons. It's got little white fingers where the new leaves should be...
  2. densefoggyforest

    "no-chop" drying on the plant?

    that's good to hear. how big was it, and about how long did it take to dry&die from the last time you watered it?
  3. densefoggyforest

    "no-chop" drying on the plant?

    Well this got a little bit off topic (I'm not worried about pollen if a plant is already finished, dead and dying... the pistils are probably looong past fertility) but thanks for most of the replies so far. I'm still finding my way; I like trying things I haven't tried before. I'm glad to hear...
  4. densefoggyforest

    "no-chop" drying on the plant?

    I'm not willing to try this with my current run, but an idea for an experiment came to me recently. I'm wondering if this has been done before: What if you stop watering earlier than normal... let the roots and soil dry out %100 by the time it's ready for harvest... and let the buds/whole plant...
  5. densefoggyforest

    dropping many bottom leaves in early flower. is this normal?

    Yup, as disappointed as I am, I went and got some hydro nutes last night. I think I realized another possible cause of the issues; I had also been adding a light amount of molasses for the last few waterings (1 tbsp/gallon) Other than a hotter light, that was one of the only recently changed...
  6. densefoggyforest

    dropping many bottom leaves in early flower. is this normal?

    large pellets, slow release. you're supposed to just scatter them and water, but you can alternatively make teas with them and feed/water with that. That's all I've been up doing for the last few months... It had seemed to go very well so far. This is pretty much what I'm using, except my...
  7. densefoggyforest

    dropping many bottom leaves in early flower. is this normal?

    Update, all is not well. I'm on day 24 of flower. I did get a new light, (parfactworksRA2000) much more powerful than the LED I had before but lower leaves have been shriveling and dropping much faster than they were before, and to top that off, today the entire plant just turned lime green. To...
  8. densefoggyforest

    dropping many bottom leaves in early flower. is this normal?

    If poor light penetration is the main cause of my issue, then honestly that'd be a relief because that's straightforward to fix.
  9. densefoggyforest

    dropping many bottom leaves in early flower. is this normal?

    yeah, I think I remember someone in the reviews measuring it at 150 but anyways this is what I have in there. they brought the price down since i bought it lol I have the light raised one foot above my canopy Edit - cannabineer I think you're right...
  10. densefoggyforest

    dropping many bottom leaves in early flower. is this normal?

    Thanks for the responses so far everyone I'll get either a new, or second light in that tent eventually. The one I've got is bright for sure, but could be moreso. definitely room for improvement there.
  11. densefoggyforest

    dropping many bottom leaves in early flower. is this normal?

    Just hesitant, not completely opposed. If the problem gets worse, and I felt more certain that I needed a quick supplement to save a flowering plant, I'd use hydro nutes. But i also don't want to be adding anything unless I know it's a full-on deficiency in the soil and not a lockout
  12. densefoggyforest

    dropping many bottom leaves in early flower. is this normal?

    Ah okay, that is something I was wondering about, thanks. Yes those leaves dying were getting pretty much no light as the canopy is dense indeed, and I'm running a "600" watt led (I don't believe it's actually 600 watts, was less than $100 on amazon) I thought a cheap light might get me through...
  13. densefoggyforest

    dropping many bottom leaves in early flower. is this normal?

    I'm hesitant to add synthetic bloom nutes - I don't want to salt the soil too much. I want to compost it when I'm done
  14. densefoggyforest

    dropping many bottom leaves in early flower. is this normal?

    I'm also spraying the front left branch/shoots with colloidal silver (this is an S1 seed run) so that's why it's slightly discolored there and a few leaves are curling. those problems are just isolated to that area (i keep it well-seperated with a big plastic bag when I spray) so I don't believe...
  15. densefoggyforest

    dropping many bottom leaves in early flower. is this normal?

    Sure, this was from october 14th so it's a few days dated but the leaves look about the same. I should mention that the soil is only *mostly* FFOF, i mixed in some "black gold" seedling mix about three weeks back when I transplanted up to a 5-gallon. Needed some filler. There's pretty much no...
  16. densefoggyforest

    dropping many bottom leaves in early flower. is this normal?

    Hello, novice grower here. Not panicking, but wondering if I should be concerned. I'm about two weeks into 12/12 and I have a plant losing a lot of her bottom leaves all at once. Looks like she's cannibalizing herself somewhat. Top growth is looking great though. Good vigor, very green and lots...
  17. densefoggyforest

    More fires more smoke filled days.

    the smoke is just as bad down here in my part of LA :(
  18. densefoggyforest

    New to growing

    no prob! I can't tell if they are male... but it might be too early. Just watch your nodes for preflowers. What you have there might just be more vegetation. I started a plant late-July, and still haven't gotten any signs myself.
  19. densefoggyforest

    New to growing

    it looks to me like they might be having a pH issue, but they don't look too bad. I'm a new to growing and was having the same issue of twisty, warped leaves like yours until I moved to soil and fixed my pH.
  20. densefoggyforest

    Tip for seedlings

    good idea