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    Thank you, I will look into that.
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    plants are still in veg, dont even think early flowet started yet so I doubt its that but I wish I could say it was that.
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    When I first started growing I had powdery mildew issues and I got on top of that right away. I checked out my plants and took some pictures. It appears I still have the slightest bit of powdery mildew on the bottom of my plants. There is no mildew on anything above the bottom 1/3 of the plant...
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    first time sexing plant

    Thank you for the reinsurance! I figured that too because a plant doesn’t truly start to flower until about two weeks after the 12/12 switch.
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    first time sexing plant

    Hey everyone, this is my first time growing cannabis using regular seeds. The plant is just over 5 weeks since germination I believe my plant is female but I would like some help to make sure. One more thing is that my plants are outside in ontario so they shouldn't be flowering just yet but...
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    rusty leaves

    LOOOL I poked some holes in the bottom of my fabric pots then i watered with 6.5ph at 80ppm water with cal mag in it until runoff came out. The first bit of run off was 650ppm..... Thank you for the help!!! You may have just saved 3 of my girls!
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    rusty leaves

    could not watering until run off create this problem? I’ve noticed with the fabric pots that the water gets displaced throughout the bottom and the fabric is wet rather then it dripping so (ill poke some hole in the pots later to fix this)
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    rusty leaves

    update: plants are doing terrible, rusty leaf pattern is appearing on all new growth and plants have also been stunted for a week straight. I watered with 0 nutrients with properly ph’d water, watered a normal amount (I did not flush). Run off was 50 the same it as the water that went in. Anyone...
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    rusty leaves

    I should water until run off right?
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    rusty leaves

    Only reason I was considering flushing was because those plants are little bigger and i thought they could maybe handle the flush if needed. However if all I should do is water with normal water I did that two waterings ago with rain water and ill do it again next watering.
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    rusty leaves

    That explains a lot. I noticed with rain water a single drop of ph down/up would change 5 gallons by a drastic amount compared to other water I have used. Also usually when I water I get no run off. Should I be doing heavier waterings? Could not heavy enough waterings cause a salt build up in a...
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    rusty leaves

    I will get pictures with regular light, sorry about that I read most of the sticky threads here before posting but not that one I guess. Im not to worried about the bushy plants as i could prune and defoliate. I also forgot to mention that i have 4x4x8 tenting coming in for flower as this tent...
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    rusty leaves

    liquid ph testing, i dont like ph meters never had accurate test results with them. also location plays a huge affect on rain water ph. My last grow had PH imbalance before and the effects was way worse then rusty leaves. I think I may have a phosphorus deficiency or toxicty. Not sure if I fed...
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    rusty leaves

    Hi, my cannabis grow seems to be going fairly okay. However I have noticed rusty leaves on 2 of my 3 older plants. Another thing to note is that all my plants are growing super short and bushy with little space between each node. The growth is also slow but no dying leaves. I think the slow...
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    Super small autos and terrible grow

    i literally said i checked the ph with chemical which is more accurate then pen. Read my last reply. Ph water in was 6.5 and the run iff water that came out was 6.5. but the ppm was about 200-300 more
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    Super small autos and terrible grow

    i was watering too much at first so i was taking it easy on them, dont think i ever let the roots get bone dry, also can they bounce back from that?
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    Super small autos and terrible grow

    so out of my 4 larger plants the purple kush I did a watering on two of them that were pretty dry. I did a PH and PPM test on the water going in and the runoff. I used chemcial test for PH from the PH up/down kit and I used a digital meter for ppm. This is the results. Starting water PH/PPM -...
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    Super small autos and terrible grow

    they were actually underwatered, I over watered my 4 purple kush and i let these guys get too dry. I watered them just before i took these pictures, you can still see some spots where its bone dry the water came out instantly from the bottom when i watered them today. I know its not any better...
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    Super small autos and terrible grow

    Hi, everything is going wrong These autoflowers are now 18 days from germentation and 16 days being in soil. If anyone here has seen my last thread where I questioned if I have septoria or not it turns out I do. Every single set on the bottom leaves of all 20 of my plants have slowly started...
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    Leaf septoria

    So I tent to have pretty “ghetto” set up going and ive realized the humidity in my setup has never reached over 60% which is like the minimum you want for veg... in averaging around 45%humitity. I know thats not a good thing but the lower the humidity the lower the chances of it being a disease...