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  1. D

    To flush or not

    Well water ph 8.5 350ppm base, I would add recommended amount of photosynthesis plus microbs of 30ml/19L once a week, and step microbs and stepwell em 1 microbs once at a week at 1ml/L. Wouldn’t ph the water. I strted to ph the water this past week to 6 cause its been so high the past month and...
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    To flush or not

    Thank you for that chart, I didnt know that was a thing
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    To flush or not

    I have two different microbs I add weekly.
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    To flush or not

    Is this mag def and if so is there anything I should add right now or will fixing the ph be fine?
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    To flush or not

    I got a couple of questions ask. I’ve sorta ran into a situation. If someone could help me out that would be great. I’m on my first organic grow and I started with step-well super soil. My temps were a little cold at the start especially for seedlings (70-75 light on and 60 - 65 lights off)...
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    Canadian Border (CBSA)

    Hell yeah! If this order makes it im either 8/8 or 9/9 for international seed shipments.
  7. D

    Canadian Border (CBSA)

    Thank you! That makes me worry less. This is this most I ev thank you for the reply! That’s good to know, I should be good then. Maybe my package is just very low priority in customs . i was talking to someone else who ordered clothes from the uk after my order and they already received it...
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    Canadian Border (CBSA)

    Hi, I would just like to ask if anyone here has ever had Cannabis seeds seized going into Canada since legalization of october 2018? Not including the first couple months because the CBSA didn't even know all the rules then. I only ask because i’ve had a seeds stuck in customs since november...
  9. D

    Switching to organic help/rant

    sorry for the stupid long wait for a reply. i scrapped my clones because they honestly were nothing special. Not going to rush myself and half ass an organic grow. I found a company about an hour away that makes organic super soil ready to go. They also have soil for notill. I was recommended...
  10. D

    Switching to organic help/rant

    TL;DR Im switching to organic growing since im fed up with bottled nute. I’ve flushed so many times in flower this grow and need to do another tomorrow. I wound like to buy a premed supersoil so I dont need to wait 60 days before I can use it as im completely done with bottle nutes and do not...
  11. D

    Aphids week 3/4 flower

    Thank you! The last two days I have found the odd aphid here and there. So I am going to continue spraying. However I an facing other problems now :/
  12. D

    yellowing from bottom up week week 3/4 flower

    So I have recently defeated aphids and if you want you can read all about it here However a few days have gone by and ive been check every day and still no aphids but my leaves have been turning yellow from the bottom up at a fast...
  13. D

    Aphids week 3/4 flower

    I don’t seem to have any major deficiencies as he mentioned though. The only true deficiencies The aphids I have these two antennas sticking out the back root aphids do not (Root aphid below, not my pic) Case closed. I did a spray of insecticidal soap at midnight but yesterday but ran...
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    Aphids week 3/4 flower

    I will give you a much better answer shortly as I am at work. How about the 20% of potassium salts of fatty acids and 0.2% of pyrethrins. I was reading up on this and if i use this as the root treatment i should be fine as it I wont get it in the buds. Im buying botanigard 22WP. I will give you...
  15. D

    Aphids week 3/4 flower “It contains 20% of potassium...
  16. D

    Aphids week 3/4 flower

    I believe the Nematodes are okay to use with fertilizer but ill double check. I also will have the chance to buy these but im not sure how useful these bugs would be outside. I also thought the botanigard...
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    Aphids week 3/4 flower

    also got myself some Nematodes never mind apparently they arent good for cannabis i take that back there is such things as benefical nematodes which attack larva and aphids then other nematodes that attack...
  18. D

    Aphids week 3/4 flower

    just 1ib of botanigard, how far will that go with a drench? Also will synthetic fertilizers make kill the stuff in the botanigard? Also on the website it said its for fruits and veggies so im assuming its good to use during flowering for cannabis right? I bought botanigard 22wp
  19. D

    Aphids week 3/4 flower

    damn didnt realize aphids are that much of a problem
  20. D

    Aphids week 3/4 flower

    Damn okay, I didnt know that. Ill research a little more and see if the stuff i ordered is harmful during flower. I will try extremely heavy insecticidal soap until then. I’ll probably order that botanigard still too.