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  1. D

    Leaf septoria

    No im watering wither the connoisseur at 250ppm now (ive done this twice with fert weeks before i wasnt using any). Before I would wait till near bone dry then do a heavy watering but it awalys take so long to dry and I would get over water symptoms. Now I just water little bit when it gets dry...
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    Leaf septoria

    1200watt mezhi led high temps are 83 lowest was 67. Medium is Berger Bm6 Hp soil and nutes are advanced nutrients connoisseur. Ph of water when feeding is 6.5-7 i aim for 6.5. Im also running purple kush and its under a 20/4 cycle right now. Have some auto seedlings with them.
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    Leaf septoria

    Im growing with advanced nutrients connoisseur and I have calimagic but havent used because i read after soil should have enough mag and cal in it. You can look up my soil (Berger BM6 HP). Plants were over watered a couple weeks ago even after several dry outs before light waters they never took...
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    Leaf septoria

    pretty sure I have a case of leaf septoria... Plants are kinda small and I need to flower them end at the end of next week. Just my bottom leaves have this but ive lost a set already. Can someone confirm this and give me some suggestions?
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    Bottom leaves yellowing

    So ive recently come up with some problems while growing. My bottom set of leaves on a lot of my plants are yellowing pretty badly at a fast rate. They recently come out of over watering about a week ago and they were nearly bone dry until today where I fed them with a 350ppm feed to the 4...