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  1. RB86

    Random Jibber Jabber Thread

    I love that old mother fucker. Betty White too.
  2. RB86

    Random Jibber Jabber Thread

    If you let your unspayed cat run around outside as she pleases, you will end up with kittens. It's inevitable. Spay your cat! Don't you watch Sarah McLaughlin commericials??
  3. RB86

    Random Jibber Jabber Thread

    Sadly I have not found this to be true. However, the yellow truck pictured is a color I would have entertained, yellow actually being my favorite color. So I guess the saying "Once you go Asian you never go caucasion" still holds truth. I never would've even considered buying a white truck.
  4. RB86

    whens the last time you sent a fax?

    I sent one a few days ago actually. I had to send paperwork to my old college and they only take these particular documents through fax. Fortunately, I could send it right from my tablet, though. No fax machine required. It's great for places that still only take faxes. Bastards.
  5. RB86

    Random Jibber Jabber Thread

    Spoilers do not belong on trucks.
  6. RB86

    Random Jibber Jabber Thread

    Black. With many regrets lol. I keep it waxed and so shiny but I have to go out and wash it every. freaking. day. Not even kidding. I can't go within 50 miles of a puddle without getting mud from it on my truck. But I can haul anything and it doesn't even affect my gas mileage. My truck is...
  7. RB86

    Random Jibber Jabber Thread

    It's a Chevy 2500 4 wheel drive duramax
  8. RB86

    Random Jibber Jabber Thread

    I got my house. I bought it and it is mine. And I got a new truck and i'm back in school. Look at me, all gettin' my shit together and what-not.
  9. RB86

    If you could have any job, what would it be?

  10. RB86

    need advice i went to jail

    That was my first thought lol. How in the hell do you keep getting caught with little baggies?? I have smoked evvvverywhere and had decently sized bags on me and the kind of paraphenalia you can't swallow in tight situations like pipes and bongs lol. I don't know what it is you did to draw...
  11. RB86

    need advice i went to jail

    Use alllll of your continuances. You have shitloads of time if you play it right. With misdemeanors, when you get enough continuances, it becomes an issue of cost efficiency for the courts. The DA typically ends up pleading you out rather than wasting more of the courts time and money. And...
  12. RB86

    dog thief.

    ....Can someone else explain it to me?
  13. RB86

    dog thief.

    What. In the hell. Somebody update me here about the mainliner issue...
  14. RB86

    Random Jibber Jabber Thread

    Then why isn't her body shiny too?
  15. RB86

    Random Jibber Jabber Thread

    Yes I did :) We threw them all back, though, because we didn't know what they were or how big they had to be. But it was fun. I'm just saying. Her face looks like it came off a magazine's all shiny and weird looking...
  16. RB86

    Random Jibber Jabber Thread

    I like Big Bang Theory but I think that might be photoshopped... Anyway. I'm thinking about becoming a Dominatrix. Like, professionally.
  17. RB86

    Who's the most beautiful …..What is your "type?"

    Plus actually since it was so small, a lot of people thought it was lesbian porn...
  18. RB86

    Who's the most beautiful …..What is your "type?"

    Well it was like...the big kahuna who asked me to take it down lol. I shouldn't put it back up. It would be disrespectful after being told already.
  19. RB86

    Who's the most beautiful …..What is your "type?"

    This was once my avatar picture on my old profile. But then I was asked to take it down lol. Sad face.
  20. RB86

    Random Jibber Jabber Thread

    All good :) I don't have any anyway. And thank you.