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  1. RB86

    Random Jibber Jabber Thread

    I put in an offer on a house and it was accepted.
  2. RB86

    Who's the most beautiful …..What is your "type?"

    Filipina (spelling?) women have always been so beautiful to me.
  3. RB86

    Anyone Like Albino Girls?

    I think I read once that in third world countries parents of albino children did things like dyed their children's hair because superstitious people would kill them and sometimes people would kill them because they believed there was some kind of magic in their blood....but now I can't for the...
  4. RB86

    Why Do White People Smile In Pictures?

    I smile in pictures because *I'm happy!* (Clap along, if you feel like a room without a roof...)
  5. RB86

    Random Jibber Jabber Thread

    It's somewhere on RIU.
  6. RB86

    Random Jibber Jabber Thread

    Yes. I did. I put up a pic of me interlocking my toes. I did.
  7. RB86

    Random Jibber Jabber Thread

    This is how it would be now while waiting for a video to rewind in a VCR.
  8. RB86

    Random Jibber Jabber Thread

    I was trying to embed a youtube video, and I had to google how...and I rain into an answer from meeee....on my old profile *sniff*
  9. RB86

    Random Jibber Jabber Thread

    Well...i'm not so into self punishment as to own a VCR...I mean...let's not be extreme here...
  10. RB86

    My dad is kicking me out help ?

    Ok I think we should stop telling an 18 year old kid to grow and sell seeing as how he's from Texas and it could get him into a lot of trouble.
  11. RB86

    Random Jibber Jabber Thread

    I remembered. Ok. When I get really depressed, I watch Twilight movies. Which is odd, because I don't actually *like* the Twilight movies. And, this worries me, because i'm concerned it might be some weirdo form of self-punishment. Ya know. Like...a prelude that ends in becoming a cutter...
  12. RB86

    My dad is kicking me out help ?

    But, I should say I think you did a good job empathizing with him. Very cool bro.
  13. RB86

    My dad is kicking me out help ?

    Autism isn't that black and white. You don't either have it and therefore exhibit these behaviors or don't have it at all. You fall somewhere on a spectrum.
  14. RB86

    My dad is kicking me out help ?

    You didn't even tell me if I got your riddle right. Oh shit. I have to wait 17 more seconds. Now I have to wait 13 more.
  15. RB86

    My dad is kicking me out help ?

    I have learned from them. I have learned to properly tie up bags of bread. I have learned to put leftover food in sealed containers. And I have learned how to kill cockroaches.
  16. RB86

    My dad is kicking me out help ?

    Man I haven't seen a cockroach since I was like...7 years old living in the projects (I lived there. No lie.) I *thought* I saw one a few months ago and completely had a meltdown killing this bug. Which turned out to not be a cockroach anyway. Cockroaches and centipedes. Ugh. Any other...
  17. RB86

    My dad is kicking me out help ?

    They don't outlive my foot...I know cuz I check multiple times. Make sure those fuckers are dead.
  18. RB86

    My dad is kicking me out help ?

    Hm. Are you a termite? A mouse maybe? God forbid a cockroach. I'd have to kill you if you were a cockroach. Someone else will kill you for me if you're a termite. A mouse, i'd just put you outside. Cute little diseased critters.
  19. RB86

    My dad is kicking me out help ?

    Meh. Yes and no. Not everyone WANTS to own a home. People who travel a lot, for instance, might not have a use for owning a home. Older people who have children who have moved out and can no longer take care of their houses might not want to own a home. For truly poor people, a mortgage can...
  20. RB86

    When you were drunk and made a complete ass out of yourself

    I fell asleep in the bathroom. I wasn't sick or anything. Just very very tired and it was nice and cool down there and the light shut off in the bathroom after a few minutes of no movement, so that was nice. But it turned out I just happened to talk to the one guy that is just about as...