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  1. Botany101

    Is this a possible method?

    is it possible to use organic soil during veg and later add nutrients around flowering time? :leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf: probly a really dumb question but i learned about everything else before even messin with nutrients because it messes with me lol
  2. Botany101

    Somethings up with my leaves

    haha yah sorry about the size of the pictures i didnt realize they were gonna be so big but i guess u can see more that way:D
  3. Botany101

    Somethings up with my leaves

    i actualy doubt its a burn from the light because the top of the plant is a good 30 inches from the light and i kno u can have the tops like 18-24" away or so, and the top seems nice an healthy its only really noticable on some of the leaves but seems to be getting worse, i dont see any pest...
  4. Botany101

    Somethings up with my leaves

    currently im just in the veg stage an havent use any nutes its been all organic until later, ive had only a few other grows before but they never had this problem, im not superr experienced yet but i know more than the basics. do you doubt it has anything to do with the new 250watt MH and to...
  5. Botany101

    Somethings up with my leaves

    Recently i started noticing yellow dry spots that are starting to make my leaves break apart a little bit. Ive never experienced this problem before but it seems like it started recently when i got my 250watt MH light. i thought the problem mite of been burns from the new light i put it but im...