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  1. Botany101

    Mag Deficiency? pics

    well thank god theres no bugs i checked probly every leaf but nah nothin underneath the only thing i would see is a small fragment of soil matter that i first thought was a bug but wasnt, but yah tru shit whenever someone post something like that its confuses the shit out of me caus it throws...
  2. Botany101

    Mag Deficiency? pics

    ill def be getting my hands on some of that, if i dont use it for this grow def the next, ill atleaste be able to use the cha ching for bloom since ill be needing something for bloom in 2 months
  3. Botany101

    Mag Deficiency? pics

    yeah i think i do im about to go check the undersides rite now, damn pest problem is the last thing i need, im gonna do that before i decide to add any nutes but i was literaly just about to go add half strength into it an see if that helps it, but imma check first. but alrite ya it doesnt seem...
  4. Botany101

    Mag Deficiency? pics

    haha i dont know a damn thing about hydroponics i went straight to soil an thats all ive ever grown hydro would be a completely different concept to me
  5. Botany101

    Mag Deficiency? pics

    yah im having some trouble finding a damn nutrient 4-10-5 or something close to that thats used for herbs, ive found some stuff on foxfarm but every nutrient seems to be for a spacefic type of plant so im just not even sure what to get. but see ive never been super good with nutrients im...
  6. Botany101

    Mag Deficiency? pics

    ah gotcha, i cant defenetely get my hands on some foxfarm. what i got now is just somethin i picked up at the gardening section lol. i had this one idea however if i could get my hands on some fox farm, would i be able to add half a shot of nutes of the stuff i have no (full shot last three...
  7. Botany101

    Mag Deficiency? pics

    that is true it would be more yellow, there really isnt any yellowing of the leaves at all, its mainly just spots that grow into worse spots, no reall yellowing of the leaves. do you perhaps have a suggestion on what a good nute with those kinda levels are? caus all i have rite now is a...
  8. Botany101

    Mag Deficiency? pics

    its godda be some sort of nute def im just gonna do what you suggested cranker with the half shot of nutes caus if its deficient the half shot should clear that up, not to much nute not to little since its only half. i mite also make a 1gal/1tsp epsom salt mix and use that in a spray bottle...
  9. Botany101

    Mag Deficiency? pics

    nahh no way for over feeding, havent added any food to it, only thing in there is the reg ole potting mix itself
  10. Botany101

    Mag Deficiency? pics

    but it really does look like it could be anything, bugs, p def, mg def, n def, water spots, any of those. its a pain to diagnose, i can rule out really the water spots, any sort of ph lockout, and bugs. leaving p def, n def, or mg def
  11. Botany101

    Mag Deficiency? pics

    yeaa i check daily for bugs but at the begining of the grow i did catch about 6 fungus flys or watever the fuck there called flying around but ive been checking the soil daily and movin it around but i dont see any critters crawlin around in there, ive had bugs before so i could identify them...
  12. Botany101

    Mag Deficiency? pics

    hahah yea i guess i mean i havent used it bfor butttt wat about an 8-5-5? i got organic dynamite plant food on hand thats about it tho, will it do?
  13. Botany101

    Mag Deficiency? pics

    how do i go about adding more nitrogen? i have a nitrogen tester on hand im about to use that an see what pops up caus i havent checked that yet, just finaly found my tester kit
  14. Botany101

    Mag Deficiency? pics

    actualy with the double post this that second post was to figure out how to cure a mag def caus i was under the impression thats what it was. but also i thought the extra pics here would help an what not. but true shit on the water droplets im only using a 250watt MH nothin huge but i did...
  15. Botany101

    Mag Deficiency? pics

    oooh shit, well damn son. everyones got me throwin myself towards the mag def. but also the p def as well but i cant test my P lvls until the soil in this damn container falls to the bottom but also i think some of it is possibly from the watering, i poored the water over my leaves into my...
  16. Botany101


    yea im using some organic potting mix for it that i used for my last plants an they came out great. but i checked the ph about 20 minutes ago its rite on point around 6.5-7, nowhere over 7.2 i kno that. the ph reader i have isnt a direct number u godda judge it from a scale of colors, pale...
  17. Botany101

    Mag Deficiency? pics

    here some more pics from 5 minutes ago shows pretty much the beginning to end, u can see the pale spots and glossy spots and they eventualy turn into the worst. an im a little scared caus im seeing glossy spots were they werent before so i need to get on this quick. sure these pics will help
  18. Botany101

    Mag Deficiency? pics

    ive been working on this problem for the passed three days and ive seemed to narrow it down some people think its from water spots getting on the leaves and reflecting off of my MH light causing a burn, but im not positive that that is the issue, the spots seem to start out as a glossy color...
  19. Botany101


    yeah i def have a mag deficiency or something its spreading, starts out glossy then turns a palle color and eventualy brown/yellow if anyone knows how i can solve this problem thatd be greatly appreciated spots showing up in no spacific spot, started on bottom however, but on the leaves the...
  20. Botany101

    Is this a possible method?

    i feel like id be to afraid to put the plant into shock or something like that, but that sounds like a very very good method id wait until shes a little more mature, more around flowering time before i did that so i can assure that little or no shock will be felt. also i had a different...