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  1. Botany101

    ph levels and baking soda

    my ph levels are slightly acidic and im trying to figure out how much baking soda i need to add to get it back to neutral. i dont wanna mess up and end up adding to much
  2. Botany101

    who uses cha ching?

    little tommy thank u for that layout. im gonna hop on that caus i was about to just use tiger bloom all the way threw my flowering but i woulda had some boring buds. im gonna get all three and do it upp just one more month or so till flowering, waitin for my little guys to catch up a bit...
  3. Botany101

    Got a small bug problem any advice?

    ok cool if the problem gets worse ill revert to some neem oil but for now the traps are doin a good job, not many bugs just a few i should be alrite, thanks for the advice
  4. Botany101

    Got a small bug problem any advice?

    I have these small little flys with silver wings on the back, i havent seen many an i could only find one crawling around in my soil but i dont want it to lay eggs, ive stuck a sticky pad on top of the soil but thats about it Its no infestation but could end up one
  5. Botany101

    this nutrients?

    alrite good shit
  6. Botany101

    this nutrients?

    yaa i gotchu, someone had told me to use cah ching all the way threw but i didnt think it was rite caus cha ching seem like an additive per say. if i hadnt used big bloom but did use tiger bloom for flower could i still use the cha ching in conjunction?
  7. Botany101

    this nutrients?

    ooh ok yah i got big bloom tiger bloom an cha ching on the way, if i can scrummage together a few more dollars i can look into that beasty blooms an perhaps do the same method. using big bloom for the veg then tiger bloom an the rest for flower of course
  8. Botany101

    this nutrients?

    thanks for your help bro im all good now
  9. Botany101

    this nutrients?

    perfect i got some grow big an tiger bloom on the way, good on the tester
  10. Botany101

    this nutrients?

    ok. then ill get tiger bloom. just trying to get extra answers without extra threads.
  11. Botany101

    distilled or tap water?

    true that thanks bro for the input it helps a lot
  12. Botany101

    cal/mag Question

    awesome thanks!
  13. Botany101

    distilled or tap water?

    haha they look like lil canoes, ive never heard of taco leaves tho lol but yah my guess is the light i lowered em but there is a possibility it could be nute burning because i had a slight def so i added just a quarter shot of nutes an i noticed a few of the tips started to point downward an i...
  14. Botany101

    who uses cha ching?

    ooh ok cool yah im gonna use cha ching i already got it on its way an my budgets to low to get anything else lol. im using grow big for veg an cha ching for flower, should be nice
  15. Botany101

    this nutrients?

    ooh ok cool thanks thats what ill do, when do you think i should add grow big to my smaller plant? its still just a seedling no nutes yet, i was thinking when i transfer into a 2gal bucket id add the grow big, then for flowering id transplant into a 5gal an use the cha ching good method orr?
  16. Botany101

    who uses cha ching?

    or am i just getting confused here lol an what it means by "after the flowers have fully formed" means the same thing as after vegitation is complete
  17. Botany101

    cal/mag Question

    im still waitin for it to arrive so i havent been able to read anything about it yet i just needa find out if its foliar safee
  18. Botany101

    who uses cha ching?

    on the website im gettin my cha ching from it says After flowers are fully formed, switch to Cha Ching® and continue through harvest. Feed with every other watering do i switch to cha ching rite when i start flowering orrr? caus thats what i thought, start usin it like a week before i switch to...
  19. Botany101

    this nutrients?

    i was just a reading a lil more about cha ching, am i soppose to use that after the buds have already formed? or do i start using that rite when i start flowering?
  20. Botany101

    this nutrients?

    thats whatsup yah i just ordered some grow big earlier but i got cha ching for the flowering part caus it was reccomended to me by someone an it seems like itll do some work