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  1. Botany101

    flying gnats and little soil critters need help!

    Oh forreal damn what will get rid of the little guys in the soil? A predatory nematode or somethin?? Caus rnt those guys eating my roots?
  2. Botany101

    flying gnats and little soil critters need help!

    Will that also get rid of the critters in the soil??
  3. Botany101

    flying gnats and little soil critters need help!

    sweet i know exactly what i need to do to get rid of these pesky insects how exactly do you use the neem oil? spread it in the soil, make a solution, foliar feed?
  4. Botany101

    flying gnats and little soil critters need help!

    yah ive heard they can get immune to products an shit before that blows, ive thought about live ladybugs caus i used them for my last grow but i let like 300 loose an my whole room was just covered in lady bugs it actualy turned pretty bad i had to colect a bunch of em up lol but would i be...
  5. Botany101

    flying gnats and little soil critters need help!

    i just sent my plant into flowering about 2 weeks ago an buds are forming and the plants grown a good 6 inches since, its about 28" tall and i just today noticed a shit load of flying insects, black insects with clear colors wings staying mostly toward the bottom of my plant by the soil and...
  6. Botany101

    does this sound good?

    yah thats what i was thinking, i dont really need the 5 gals, thats what im usin now, only got one goin tho but its gonna be huggge i actualy have some square pots from my last grow i didnt realize they were that efficient, but im growing in soil with fox farm nutes
  7. Botany101

    does this sound good?

    it would be all at once veg 4 plants then flower em, dont got the space to fit both veg and flower that would be straight tho. but i got ventilation going threw the walls and out into a different room i got a pretty good vent system goin on its stays about 76-80 degrees. do you think that 3...
  8. Botany101

    does this sound good?

    is that room size enough to fit 4 plants? how high do you think i could veg it before i have to send it into flower to save space? i heard somewhere you need atleaste a 1000wat to accomidate 4 plants but ive grown 2 plants with a 150 wat before so that doesnt seem rite. just wanna be sure tho
  9. Botany101

    e regular leaves

    i guess i shoulda flowered earlier. i dont think i could transplant it either since its 24 inches tall an spent pretty much all its life in that 5 gal, and i just put it into flower a week ago, itd go straight into some hardcore shock
  10. Botany101

    e regular leaves

    damn im in a 5 gallon bucket have been for a while, idk why i do 24 hours its just how ive always done my grows, i know u can do 24 on all the time or u can do like 18on 6 off or somethin like that, that was my plan for my next grow do 18 on 6 off, it got vegged in the 5 gal for most of its...
  11. Botany101

    e regular leaves

    nice lookin plants by the way!
  12. Botany101

    e regular leaves

    heres some pictures it could possibly be the lack of nutes because i did a flush a few days before switching to flower, i didnt water for those few days after flush but then it got dry and about 3 days into flower i gave it a small watering. its been about 3 more days since that...
  13. Botany101

    e regular leaves

    they are deff perking up like that thats forsure, i just did a small flush so there really isnt much in it at the moment but in three days i start flowering nutes
  14. Botany101

    e regular leaves

    my humidity stays around 50-60, temp stays around 75-83, using an organic potting mix, used some store bought nutes for veg, an got some tiger bloom for flower. i havent started adding nutes yet i wont add them until 3 days from now, im only using a 150wat HPS nothin crazy since i dont have a...
  15. Botany101

    e regular leaves

    i just switched to flowering from 24 hours to 12/12. since then my leaves started to curl all funny and look weird. is this just the plant being confused going from 24 hrs to 12/12 hrs? that would be my guess, any advice?
  16. Botany101

    Is this how i Make Cannabis Vodka?

    good looks on the guide bro
  17. Botany101

    Is this how i Make Cannabis Vodka?

    thats whatsup man haha thats some potent shit rite there, thanks for the pics it def helps me see what i godda do enjoy that shit man
  18. Botany101

    Watering scheduel?

    true shit it usualy dris out every 3 days or so, the plants are about 22 inches tall i measured it earlier i just switched to flowering under a 150 wat hps so its not very hot in there since its just a 150watt so the moisture takes a little to dry out. ive been using about 2-3 cups of water per...
  19. Botany101

    Is this how i Make Cannabis Vodka?

    truuue shit its gonna take me a few tries forsure before i get it down, ill be looking forward to try some of that when harvest is over but thanks man!
  20. Botany101

    Watering scheduel?

    i just switched my plants into flowering and im gonna be using tiger bloom water soluble nutes, im just waiting for the first week of the light change to be over before i add nutes. but heres my real question, im using 5 gallon buckets and i never had a set watering scheduel, i would always...