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  1. Botany101

    humidity question

    yup prrretty much!
  2. Botany101

    humidity question

    yea true that i just use a humidistat in my grow room. it works great
  3. Botany101

    basic harvesting questions

    lol i dont doubt it, but okay i got what your saying, scratch what i said before for flushing /\/\ is flushing 2 weeks before with 3x the size of the container im using sound good?
  4. Botany101

    Cherry Pie

    hahah exactly its so crucial, im sooo happy some of this dankess came around. earlier i was smoking it out of a my double perc, diffused with an ice an ash catcher full of ice using a hemp wick instead of a lighter. it tasted AMAZING
  5. Botany101

    humidity question

    im sure you can find one that is
  6. Botany101

    blunt, bong, pipe or paper...

    a nice freshly cleaned quality bong, diffused, perhaps with some percs, and maybe even some ice! best smoke hands down. oh, and use matches or hemp wicks, it taste better!
  7. Botany101

    Cherry Pie

    i dont think i have ever had a nicer smoke than cherry pie. i had never heard of cherry pie until i copped a zip off a friend. it actualy taste like freakin cherry pie! im smoking it out of my 3 ft orange label roor at the moment, earlier i was using my double perc an that produced the...
  8. Botany101

    humidity question

    thats a really good idea! im gonna look into the dessicant and get some of that on my hands, the makeshift exhaust vent is very clever idea thank you
  9. Botany101

    basic harvesting questions

    i was hoping someone could help me with a few harvesting questions. i think i got it down but i wanna be sure i know a week before harvest im soppose to flush, im usin a 5gal jug so ill use 10 gal of water, am i able to used distilled water for flushing? or should i use reg filtered watered for...
  10. Botany101

    flying gnats and little soil critters need help!

    perfect thanks man ill check it out
  11. Botany101

    humidity question

    damn alrite well ill get the dehumidifier in there an see how high the temp raises, maybe i can find a small dehumidifier or something that will make less heat
  12. Botany101

    humidity question

    i think i found a pretty good dehumidifier that im gonna use so i should be straight. im not to worried about the temperature tho because it stays in the mid to low 70s with the lights on so it shouldnt get to much warmer, thanks for all the good advice now i know rite where to keep my levels...
  13. Botany101

    flying gnats and little soil critters need help!

    THANK YOU! ive been looking for that answer forever
  14. Botany101

    humidity question

    it has been raining nonn stop everyday pretty much for the last month so im sure that has to do with some of it, good point
  15. Botany101

    humidity question

    for my veg i had it between 50 and 70 the whole time and it turned out wonnderfull
  16. Botany101

    humidity question

    yah my RH levels during lights off gets into the high 60s rite around where the humidity jumps to but when lights are on it only drops to between 50 and 60, i got pretty damn good ventalation goin, by the way its a closet grow in a 5 ft by 4 foot room or so, (not very big) but i got ducts...
  17. Botany101

    flying gnats and little soil critters need help!

    oh damn that is kinda gross idk if ill have that problem tho caus im only two weeks into flowering an i think i may have gotten rid of the problem, i dont see nearrrly as many as i did when i first noticed em, now i actualy have to search for em. i got my neem oil so i made up a solution an...
  18. Botany101

    humidity question

    ive never had to deal much with humidity, correct me if im wrong but arent the humidity levels soppose to be around 40-50 or so during flowering? at lights off my humidity is rising, when i checked it today the humidity had risen to 68 what should i do to solve this?
  19. Botany101

    flying gnats and little soil critters need help!

    ohh yeah that will cut em all up an i can get that at home depot thanks!
  20. Botany101

    flying gnats and little soil critters need help!

    i got some neem oil on the way should be here tomarrow or somethin, ive never had to deal with bugs before there a real pain but ill get em if i end up tryin to rid the little soil bugs ill just invest in some more ladybugs caus they do eat em up quick. thanks everyone! i cant wait to taste...