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  1. Botany101

    Is this how i Make Cannabis Vodka?

    hmm i think ill give the candy a try, if i get it down i can could make some pretty crucial candy lol
  2. Botany101

    Is this how i Make Cannabis Vodka?

    daaamn that sounds awesome haha alrite i know exactly what i need to do ill have me some goodness in a month or soo that would be pretty wicked to make some candy i never thought about that, but i have noo idea how to make candy what so ever so ill probly stick with pastries and what not for now:D
  3. Botany101

    Is this how i Make Cannabis Vodka?

    alrite that sounds excellent im using some dannkkk buds probly a few diferent strains of bud, but ill measure out wat bottles im gonna be using and figure everything out, sounds perfect thanks!
  4. Botany101

    Is this how i Make Cannabis Vodka?

    so basicaly to get really baked out id want a jar of trimmings about that size? caus im my plan is to have my plants done around december or a bit before so i can make some green dragon to bring on this annual colorado snowboarding trip so its all recreational usage. but thats awesome what...
  5. Botany101

    Is this how i Make Cannabis Vodka?

    ohh okay, i was wondering does the entire bottle of alcohol turn into a dark green or brown liquid? to the point where i would have a full bottle of this stuff if done correctly? i was gonna use all stems but its a huge variety of stems of countless numbers of chronic strains. i did read...
  6. Botany101

    Second Grow - just one sour deisle

    This grow will be my second one its nothing super special its only one plant this time but its gonna be grown as big as it possibly can be, may end up using it as a mother plant, still deciding whether id want a different strain or not. but anyways using fox farm grow big for veg an tiger...
  7. Botany101

    Is this how i Make Cannabis Vodka?

    i read that all you have to do to make some marijuana vodka is get a good amount of collected stems and bullshit from your buds, once you have enough stems get a high alcohol percentage alcohol such as everclear. fill the bottom of the bottle about 2 inches up with stems then close and store...
  8. Botany101

    how can i add just nitrogen?

    ohh nahh i dont have a ppm meter just a ph meter but ill get one, but thanks for the advice man!!
  9. Botany101

    how can i add just nitrogen?

    believe it or not i could be unwatering like no other caus ive never had any run off with ny 5 gal
  10. Botany101

    how can i add just nitrogen?

    do i wanna use distilled water?
  11. Botany101

    how can i add just nitrogen?

    damn see i know i should send em rite into flower its about that time but i wanted to try an veg them as big as i can before i throw em into flower so i can have a monster plant with a monster yield i also have a few seedling that i was waiting on, i wanted to get them to atleaste 12" before i...
  12. Botany101

    does this sound good?

    i have an idea for my next grow opp but i wanna get some advice on it before i try it im growing in a small closet 3Ft by 5'6Ft im using a MH 250w and a HPS 250w and im gonna buy a real nice reflective hood for em so ill have a pretty good amount of light my plan is to grow 4 plants, not a lot...
  13. Botany101

    ph levels and baking soda

    yeah i completely understand you on the sodium thing with baking soda that wouldnt be good for my plants at all, i could get some garden lime but idk how soon id be able to get my hands on some. it may be possible that the reason my ph levels are down is because this plant is still a seedling...
  14. Botany101

    how can i add just nitrogen?

    thats a relief, these r the first real problems ive ever encountered other than bugs so i was really unsure on what to do. i think i def may have over watered it recently, but yah it doesnt seem like much of a lockout just a small one like u said, with the test i have everything seemed just...
  15. Botany101

    how can i add just nitrogen?

    id be able to use bat guano threw the rest of my veg until i switch to flowering and start using tiger bloom?
  16. Botany101

    how can i add just nitrogen?

    would i be able to use reg water from my fridge or should i used distilled? or does it just have to be 6ph and im good? ive never flushed before im using a 5gal arent i soppose to use double the size of container im using? likee 10 gal of water for a 5 gal bucket, or something close to that
  17. Botany101

    how can i add just nitrogen?

    i was just looking it up and it seems like thats what it could be but im not 100% on it caus it doesnt seem to be as bad as some of the pictures ive seen of it but it could just be in early stage, here some pics from today that could help
  18. Botany101

    how can i add just nitrogen?

    soill im leaning more towards a P def now caus i just use this NPK test, i know there not super acurate but im not even really getting a reading for P. and the nitrogen seems a little down but theres still a good amount in the soil, the only thing ive done is around day 40 i added a quarter...
  19. Botany101

    how can i add just nitrogen?

    all my other nute levels are good but i believe my nitrogen levels are wacked out. it started at the bottom with some yellowing and spots appearing. but its spreading working its way up the plant. and fan leaves that grew about a week ago are already starting to show spots.
  20. Botany101

    who uses cha ching?

    those are some true wordss thanks!