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  1. Botany101

    cal/mag Question

    with cal/mag am i able to use the solution in a spray bottle to or just in regular watering? should i just do both?
  2. Botany101

    distilled or tap water?

    ok cool yah there kinda young about 40 days or so. canoe'ing of leaves is most likely because the lights to close rite? i did just put new nutes into the soil 2 days ago caus i had some def's but it was only a quarter shot of nutes so its most likely the light u think? ive already lowered it...
  3. Botany101

    distilled or tap water?

    ill have some call mag in about 3 days or so along with some other nutrients, caus yah i was using organic soil that i dont believe had any mag in it im not sure about calcium either it was an organic soil, so i got some fox farm grow big, some cal mag, an some cha ching so i should be alllll...
  4. Botany101

    this nutrients?

    do you know?????
  5. Botany101

    distilled or tap water?

    oh awesome yah ive been checking ph daily an its staying rite where it needs to be. but yah same ive always used distilled what about if i had a mag def or something an i was gonna make an epsom salt mix would i still just use distilled
  6. Botany101

    this nutrients?

    i noticed big bloom has a lot less NPK is that better during flowering? caus the cha ching is 9-50-10 ALOT more then big bloom
  7. Botany101

    this nutrients?

    i plan on using grow big for my vegging and cha ching most likely for flowering caus grow bigs a liquid nutrient an cha ching is dry soluble so they work together
  8. Botany101

    distilled or tap water?

    is distilled water good to use all the way threw both stages or should i switch it a tap water with minerals in it with fox farm cha ching for the flowering?
  9. Botany101

    this nutrients?

    which is reccomended Fox Farm Tiger Bloom 2-8-4 Nutrient or Fox Farm Cha Ching® 9-50-10 for flowering?
  10. Botany101

    Is this a possible method?

    oh awesome, i plan on doing that itll also help it grow taller caus trimming some roots will give em more space to grow. but there not in containers rite now there all just in 5gal buckets. went straight from the red cup to the 5galls but i shuldve put em in a 8" pot or something then 5 gal but...
  11. Botany101

    Mag Deficiency? pics

    thanks broo
  12. Botany101

    Mag Deficiency? pics

    i can get it even closer. 10"
  13. Botany101

    Mag Deficiency? pics

    dammn well i got thatshit 14" away now so i should be all good, damn now that i think about it that coulda been the "stunted" growth:/
  14. Botany101

    Mag Deficiency? pics

    Ohh damn bro foreal? Shit the reason i did that was because i saw the spots an thought they were burns Im using a 250mh light woth fans all over an perfectly venting, im gonna get that on there asap i didnt realize itd start stretching i kno that aint good, thank you for that
  15. Botany101

    Mag Deficiency? pics

    Would the back of the bag of soil i used list magnesium and a percentage if it was it it? It really only list nitrogen phospherus calcium an a few others but not magnesium, and same with the plant food i didnt see magnesium written anywhere on the packaging, but again idk if its even listed on...
  16. Botany101

    Mag Deficiency? pics

    I used natural and organic premium plant food dynamite mater magic" i only put 2 table spoons in however startimg out with a lite dosage folowed by a watering, im gonna see how that does for it, a full dosage is 10 tbsp. So hopefuly in the next few days ill see some good things happening to my...
  17. Botany101

    Mag Deficiency? pics

    yeah i can tell the test arent very accurate it all really goes off of judgement of the color an shit, u can kinda get an idea but yah im gonna start out slow an see what sort of progress happens with the added nutes and graduatly add more as they are needed an what not
  18. Botany101

    Mag Deficiency? pics

    according to the test if anything my N levels are to high/rite around sufficient. caus on my tester janks if they N levels were deficient the color would be a faded pink but the color is a solid pink according to the test but now it makes me feel iffy about putting more nutes into it since it...
  19. Botany101

    Mag Deficiency? pics

    yeeeeeeea hello juicy buds haha
  20. Botany101

    Mag Deficiency? pics

    well watever its all good caus no matter what its lacking the nutrients will fix, if it P or N or watever the nutes will fix that, but my phos levels seem to be a bit down, im gonna test my N levels an see watsup