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  1. Cocogrower420

    Quad line anyone? Long read but the guy does a pretty gopd job at explaining how he does things
  2. Cocogrower420

    Quad line anyone?

    Was just wondering if anyone experienced with Quad lining. I saw it on a grow journal from another page and seems to be a hit over there. I would post the link but i dont know about rules from other Forum pages. Looked pretty good in end results.
  3. Cocogrower420

    First grow : Nutrient formula suggestion

    I have also started to grow in COCO. Im on my second run and I have been Using Canna A+B with a few of their other additives. It has for sure been a learning experience for me. Being new to it all myself i guess the best advice i could give ya about the nutes is dont chronic over feed. Check the...
  4. Cocogrower420

    Light deprivation..?

    Nice guys! Thanks for the quick replys. I will try this out this week! Thanks
  5. Cocogrower420

    Light deprivation..?

    Week 7 Two pineapple express and 1 late cookies kush. Trying to really get these things to pop the next three weeks while also moving them to 3g pots
  6. Cocogrower420

    Light deprivation..?

    By any chance what are you guys using to tie down your plants when LSTing when the pots dont have any good locations.?
  7. Cocogrower420

    Light deprivation..?

    Hey guys, just saw a video of guy who in Veg instead of lsting he would put a cup over his bud blocking the light and in return the other shoots would come up as if they were durring a LST grow.. seems like it wouldnt be good for whatever budsite your covering, thought it was kind of different...
  8. Cocogrower420

    Coco grow stunned?

    UPDATE! The two ladies had finished are dried up and in the curing process as we speak. I was surprised to see that he plant i had topped yeiled quite a bit less than the one i LSTd and even had a week and a half longer. The older lady ended up yielding 4.7 ozs and the other yeilding 10 oz...
  9. Cocogrower420

    Coco grow stunned?

    Sorry for the late reply. I have been super busy as it is that time of the year! I am for sure going to rinse my coco a lot better this goe as i thought i had done it enough before. I was gettinf salt buildup on the outside of my Smart fabric pots even though i was watering with run off. Is this...
  10. Cocogrower420

    Coco grow stunned?

    Thanks Tim. You helped be big time with my over feeding and nute issues i was having earlier on man!
  11. Cocogrower420

    Coco grow stunned?

    UPDATE: begining of Week 8 starts tomorrow. The strains are suppose to be around 9wk flowering. Not noticing any amber trichs yet so they are still going strong but not really picking up anymore size in bud, if they are it is slowly. Ill post some pictures below. My ppm is at about 480-500...
  12. Cocogrower420

    Coco grow stunned?

    Thans for the input Tim! It is much apreciated. What are your recomondations as to flushing.? Should i just do a straight PH water run and if so for how long? And if not maybe a low level ppm feeding maybe 150 or so ppm nutes?
  13. Cocogrower420

    Coco grow stunned?

    UPDATE: ill post a picture below. Starting week five plants are looking healthy but i have noticed the plant on the left not drinking as much nutes as the run off has become 150 ppm or so over what im feeding, where as the one on the right is still wanting more. Ive been feeding a Cannas bloom...
  14. Cocogrower420

    Coco grow stunned?

    Hey guys, just checkin in. Plants are doing what seems to be pretty well. Just ending week 3 of flower. Im feeding at 700 ppm (tap water included) and am around 6.0 PH. Run off is about 650, and they are drinking roughly a gallon a day. Leaves are already pretty frosty. Ill post pictures below...
  15. Cocogrower420

    Lets see them plants!

    Sooo frosty!!!
  16. Cocogrower420

    Lets see them plants!

    UPDATE: Week 4 of flower. Just did a tiny bit of a trim to the ladies. It will be the last one, from now on they are on their own.
  17. Cocogrower420

    Lets see them plants!

    Hell yeah man, thats awesome. Keep up the good work buddy
  18. Cocogrower420

    Lets see them plants!

    What do you usually yield out of something like that?