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  1. Cocogrower420

    Coco grow stunned?

    Also tim, do you have a feedig regimen that you try and follow. ML/G in coco? I have found a few on the forums but i was jw.
  2. Cocogrower420

    Coco grow stunned?

    Ill take it slow. The thing that sucks is in the 3g pot they might not be ready for a feeding for another week
  3. Cocogrower420

    Coco grow stunned?

    My ph run off was still 6.5 after mondays feeding
  4. Cocogrower420

    Coco grow stunned?

    Roger that Tim i also bought some RAW nitrogen to add if the calmag didnt work. Next feeding ill drop the calmag and ppm a little bit and add a little more Nitrogen to see what happens
  5. Cocogrower420

    Coco grow stunned?

    Just a update: plants are looking a bit better but not 100%. I ended up giving them 5ml of cal/mag and i think it helped. Monday i fed them both 1g with a ph of 5.3 and a PPM of 877. Hopfully its just up from here!
  6. Cocogrower420

    Coco grow stunned?

    Ok cool. Worth a shot thanks again for all the help tim. I apreciate it. Ill post after a day or two and see what they look like.
  7. Cocogrower420

    Coco grow stunned?

    The same for me in my nutes. Maybe just a slight tint to them. As far as run off it is just a bit darker but not too much. What do you do in your coco to fix those issues?
  8. Cocogrower420

    Coco grow stunned?

    Yes the leaf is a little rough but not bad. I rinsed the coco properly when first unpackaged and did a big flush at the begining of the week which would have taken care of any sodium build up. so im gonna try and target potasium and see what happens. At this point im gonna try a deficiency that...
  9. Cocogrower420

    Coco grow stunned?

    Thanks for the reply Guerilla! I will have to add then on the next round. I took a pic of one of the leaves on the unhealthy plant. Maybe it will help. Yellow with a darker blotched color as well not all leaves are like that only a select few
  10. Cocogrower420

    Coco grow stunned?

    No i dont. Just the A+B maybe i should feed a little more A nutes since it has 4%
  11. Cocogrower420

    Coco grow stunned?

    Also, do you think i should maybe try a dose of cal/mag and maybe some ebsom salts? Maybe it will help?
  12. Cocogrower420

    Coco grow stunned?

    Well i apreciate your help tim. If anything else comes up ill post. Maybe they will turn around and i can get some good produce from them! I mean after all that is all of our goals!
  13. Cocogrower420

    Coco grow stunned?

    I already have them transplanted into the 3g smarties so i was gonna be done. I can second the cheapness of it. And i have seen some journals that were pretty impresive with coco. When i look up symptoms to try and figure it out. Nothing really stands out to me on what it can be.
  14. Cocogrower420

    Coco grow stunned?

    I couldnt find much info on the strains as far as someone elses grow. They were freebies from a site i got and figured to give em a go. Ill deff check out that article. The 6.5 judging from that chart i wouldnt think would be letting it grow so poorly. I love the idea of coco but man im wishing...
  15. Cocogrower420

    Coco grow stunned?

    Np i have nothing but time at this point! Lol im feeding at 5.8 i ran 4 gal through my 3 gal smart pots and my run off was still 6.5 . Kinda stumped me lol
  16. Cocogrower420

    Coco grow stunned?

    UPDATE: Flushed my Cookies Kush 3 days ago looks a little better this is week 6 of veg for it. I believe it should look better but not sure what's going on. Ill post two pics of her first. My second plant is herijuana jack and seems to be doing good so far i just transplanted into 3g pot. Let me...
  17. Cocogrower420

    Coco grow stunned?

    Roger that ill give that a try and see what happens. Im currently not running the boost as im still vegging. I apreciate your help and information!
  18. Cocogrower420

    Coco grow stunned?

    Hey tim. Thanks for the reply. Im using the coco A+B with Cannazym and Rhizotonic at the moment. I have a PK 13/14 additive that i use in flower and also a Bloom booster for flower. When i feed i have been able to nail my Ph to 5.8 and my current PPM is 1200 including tap water . My Run off is...
  19. Cocogrower420

    Coco grow stunned?

    Hello everyone, this is my second time posting here and second indoor grow. Have grown outdoors with success but having trouble nailing down my CoCo choir grows. I am using CANNA nutes with a 70% coco / 30% perlite mix. I have two plants going in a 4x4 tent at the moment with one plant a couple...
  20. Cocogrower420

    Coco grow problems...

    Okay. Ill feed them some today when lights come on thanks for the reply webster!