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  1. Cocogrower420

    Lets see them plants!

    Do you do any trimming durring flower SC? Or just let em go
  2. Cocogrower420

    Lets see them plants!

    Wow looks better than i would think a immediate flip would look like tbh. Nice!
  3. Cocogrower420

    Coco grow stunned?

    Hey guys. About halfway through week 3 of flower. I believe they are looking pretty decent. Ive adjusted from feeding every two days to about half a gallon maybe a little more each day with run off and i think the plants are liking it. Ive beeb letting my plants PH swing a little here and there...
  4. Cocogrower420

    Lets see them plants!

    Good looking plants guys!
  5. Cocogrower420

    Lets see them plants!

    Looking good UGS. Quite a bit bettee than mine when i flipped at 8 weeks lol
  6. Cocogrower420

    Lets grow some weed, 4x600w hps

    Keep up the good work Sheldon! Nice grow man!
  7. Cocogrower420

    Lets see them plants!

    Awesome looking plants guys! Sheldon! That picture made me hard! Haha. How big of room and how many plants?!
  8. Cocogrower420

    Coco grow stunned?

    Awesome. Once again it is apreciated. Ill deff be sure to check in after a few days. Take care all!
  9. Cocogrower420

    Coco grow stunned?

    I havnt had it below 5.8 the whole grow. Its more of just the whole top is yellow from the inside of the top going out. Here is a pic with my lights off as its prolly the best unfiltered i can get. It dosnt quite look as bad with lights off.
  10. Cocogrower420

    Coco grow stunned?

    Thanks for the reply BAX. I was also wondering about the iron as a quick search led to sometimes people had the same “symptoms” as mine and thats what it happend to be. My last feeding was wednesday 6ML of A+B 3ML rhiztonic 4ML Cannazym PH:6.0 PPM:550 with tap water of around 80-100 RUN...
  11. Cocogrower420

    Coco grow stunned?

    Ph has been 5.8-6 nothing over or below. Rookie it is RG lol. Although the dark period may be causing it i have never encountered the problem thus far from a few grows that I have done. With that being said i may be overrhinking it a bit as the COCO is new to me and has been rocky dialing...
  12. Cocogrower420

    Coco grow stunned?

    Update: tomorrow is the first full week since i flipped to 12/12 my run off ppm and ph problem had been fixed prior and i switched out my 400w MH for my 750w HPS light. The light is around 30” away from my plants. The tops of my growth is turning real light yellow ive read up on...
  13. Cocogrower420

    Lets see them plants!

    Looking good blunt!
  14. Cocogrower420

    Lets see them plants!

    hey everyone! Currently growing inside with a 4x4x7 tent. Thinking about flipping into Flower. Was curious to see what everyones flipping points are ( I know this depends heavily on room size) and the techniques they use to get them there! Thanks in advance. Below i will post a picture of my...
  15. Cocogrower420

    Coco grow stunned?

    Okay cool. I also have them Okay cook i also have them off the tent floor about three inches. Ive found its super easy for drainage as well, im deffinetly going to try a dose of PHed water if run off is wacky next time. Ill check in then! Have a good one tim.
  16. Cocogrower420

    Coco grow stunned?

    Ill deffinetly give it a try. Im also in 5g fabric pots. I find that with my coir it takes three days to dry out enough for me to water though so i dont get a whole lot of feedings a week? Do you let it dry out a little too?
  17. Cocogrower420

    Coco grow stunned?

    Awesome, it is taking me a bit of messing with gettig the hang of the coir but i do enjoy using it. You feed just regular water sometimes and it dosnt mess with your plants? How big are your pots and how often are you having to feed?
  18. Cocogrower420

    Coco grow stunned?

    Yeah my run off was 900 due to a higher feeding the previous watering i toned it down to 600 and am going to keep it there until i think i need to bump it up. Those are looking pretty sweet Tim! How many do ya have in there??
  19. Cocogrower420

    Coco grow stunned?

    UPDATE: today marks 8weeks for the one on the left and 5.5 weeks on the right. I fed lastnight with a ph of 5.8 and ppm of 600. Run off was 6 ph and run off was 900 ppm due to a higher feeding at 800 before. so run off i dont think it is too bad. Ill post some pictures of them below. I am...
  20. Cocogrower420

    Coco grow stunned?

    Awesome! Thanks again tim. Sorry for all the nooby Questions! Hah