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  1. progrockboy

    flourescent heat???

    I have some plants growing in a room under a 400w, in flowering. I want to cut the room in half with some timber and black plastic sheeting, and use one half as a vegging room. I was thinking of flourescents because I think they dont generate much heat, and with the 400w in there already I can...
  2. progrockboy

    plants dont look good....(pics)

    I checked the ph of the soil and it is fine. And as for transplanting shock, the yellow leaves started before I transplanted. Another problem is that so many of the problems that can occour involve yellowing of leaves!!
  3. progrockboy

    plants dont look good....(pics)

    sweet, and how do I adjust the soil ph if it isn't right??
  4. progrockboy

    plants dont look good....(pics)

  5. progrockboy

    plants dont look good....(pics)

    dont know what the ph of the soil is. I only have a water test kit.
  6. progrockboy

    plants dont look good....(pics)

    just read another post about lack of magnesium, and using epsom salts. Could this be anything to do with it? Or is there any other information I could give that would help provide a diagnosis and hopefully cure?????
  7. progrockboy

    plants dont look good....(pics)

    if the soil mix is too hot, would it not have affected the plants from the beginning? Because this only began about 2 days ago. Until then they looked great
  8. progrockboy

    plants dont look good....(pics)

    They are in plagron light mix soil, and the water ph is 6.5. Im using a 250w hps (I know this isnt ideal, but most people say it will do). In case I wasnt clear, the yellowing started before I repotted them.
  9. progrockboy

    plants dont look good....(pics)

    Well the plants are 12 days old now, and the leaves are badly yellowing on most of the plants, and on one the leaves are curled from the sides in. I have eight plants in total. They are in soil and are not getting nutes yet. They get watered every second day. I have just re-potted them...
  10. progrockboy

    how far and how long should i wait to use my mh light .

    MH lights are for Vegetation, so you should be using it right from the beginning. Then swapping for CFL, HPS, or HID. What are you using now?
  11. progrockboy

    can anyone tel me whats wrong with these seelings

    I think this is a genetic thing man. Some of mine started to go like that after a few days too, but some of them are totally green and they are all growing in the same conditions. There was a thread up here not that long ago, I think it was titled "possible purple strain." If you feel like...
  12. progrockboy

    wick/reservoir system qu?

    seriously though this is a reasonable question!!
  13. progrockboy

    wick/reservoir system qu?

    come know you want to!!
  14. progrockboy

    wick/reservoir system qu?

    any thoughts?
  15. progrockboy

    wick/reservoir system qu?

    Ive seen pictures and read a little about a watering system for soil that is basically uses a nylon rope from the bottom of the pod into a reservoir or some description (a childs paddling pool in the case I looked at) Does anyone know anything about this? Is it as simple as it seems, or is...
  16. progrockboy

    could i flower this plant yet????

    dimebag - how old is your plant man???
  17. progrockboy

    2nd grow a lil help plz

    Hey Miko, A hermi is just as likely to pollenate the female flowers as a separate male plant (as far as I know) Im on my first grow, and Im also going for very small plants so we can keep an eye on each others grows and compare notes!. My plants will be in soil a week on monday, and thats when I...
  18. progrockboy

    Picking off male flowers on o hermaphrodite

    If you get a hermie plant to the 8 week stage and harvest early, apart from the fact that you harvest early, would the buds be affected simply from the fact that it was a hermie???
  19. progrockboy

    leaves absorb light from the underside too??

    Yeah thats true I guess
  20. progrockboy

    leaves absorb light from the underside too??

    I have my plants on a piece of polystyrene for light reflection. But It just wondered, do the leaves absorb any light from their underside????? If not then the polystyrene is probably quite useless, especially since it blinds the fuck out of me to look anywhere near it!!!!