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  1. progrockboy

    think i got hermies....

    I cant get good enough pics to show, but Im pretty sure my three plants are hermies. There 3 weeks into flowering already so I was surprised that this happened. Anyway Ive only got these three, so is there any point in finishing this grow. I would have thought not, but ive read a few threads...
  2. progrockboy

    bud problem. (pics)

    cheers guys.
  3. progrockboy

    bud problem. (pics)

    yeah its a 400w hps. So should I just leave it alone, and cut off the dead part at harvest? The light is at about 8" now. Do you think thats enough?
  4. progrockboy

    bud problem. (pics)

    It wasn't too hot for my hand but I moved it up anyway because its the only thing I can think might be the problem
  5. progrockboy

    bud problem. (pics)

    These pics are crap I know you cant really see what Im talking about but in the first one the top of the bud is kinda brown. Im only 3 weeks into flowerng. The rest of my plants are fine, and in fact the rest of the buds on this plant are fine too. I was thinking maybe too close to the light so...
  6. progrockboy

    are TWO 1000W HPS lights to much for my grow room of 12x7?

    best thing to do if your not sure about the temps, is to to hang the lights and put then on an 18/6 cycle for a few days and see what the temps do, before you put your plants in there. I think about 60 to 75 degrees is ok lights on. not sure about how many plants you could have
  7. progrockboy

    opinions on topping?

    hasnt happened to me yet man, but from what Ive read they can recover quite well after something like that.
  8. progrockboy

    are TWO 1000W HPS lights to much for my grow room of 12x7?

    the more light the better man, as long as you can keep the temperature down. I have a 400w in a space bigger than that and my temperature is good but not much higher and it would be too high.
  9. progrockboy

    opinions on topping?

    ok cheers for the input man
  10. progrockboy

    opinions on topping?

    I might top half and leave half, and see if there is much difference. Cheers for the advice man.
  11. progrockboy

    opinions on topping?

    You say its strain specific, Im flowering white widow at present, and the next batch I will be flowering is blueberry (which I've never smoked, wonder how it is.....) do you know if they are strains that topping might help??
  12. progrockboy

    opinions on topping?

    Its too late for me now anyway as Im already into the 3rd week of flowering, but I was wondering, for next time, what people think of topping. Can this produce two good large buds, or does it just use up energy that could go into developing buds that are there without topping??? I have a...
  13. progrockboy

    flourescent heat???

    Im talking about only two tubes, so it sounds like It'll be ok
  14. progrockboy

    should I ph again after nutes are added?

    Uh, because first of all I don't know everything which would explain my presence here in the first place. Second of all I thought I remember reading somewhere about ph'ing first. Perhaps it was a dream!
  15. progrockboy

    should I ph again after nutes are added?

    Should I ph the water again and adjust after nutes are added to the water?
  16. progrockboy

    flourescent heat???

    or purple?
  17. progrockboy

    flourescent heat???

    is it white flouro's for vegg??
  18. progrockboy

    Males....Throw Them Out????

    I plan to do this on my next grow because I want a seed bank as the laws on seeds are changing here soon. Also I dont plan to be growing all year round so Im not going to be using cuttings
  19. progrockboy

    Males....Throw Them Out????

    how many females have you got man? maybe you could sacrafice one of them and shack it up with one of your males and pollinate her. This will get you a bunch of seeds for your next grow! Would save you having to buy more. Only if you have a good few females tho I suppose.
  20. progrockboy

    flourescent heat???

    So you think this is a sound plan then?