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  1. N

    should i start flowering? Height problems

    looks good to me man. you should have a small space with one plant for your first grow. the plant looks great though. i have the same space problems so i LST my plant. its about a foot and a half now but because i bend the plant horizontally, its only actually taking up about 6-7 inches of...
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    Spider Mites.... please help

    ill let my plant die before i spend that much money on a pesticide... is there is cheaper way? such as things i can use around the house or under $20. how well do the no pest strips work?
  3. N

    Spider Mites.... please help

    how much is that? is it available at ace, lowes, home depot, etc?
  4. N

    New grower, what size of pots should i use?

    its better to go straight to the final pot. repotting a plant will cause stress no matter what. it can cause more or less stress depending on how well you can transplant from one to another. anybody who knows what theyre talking about is going to say go for the biggest pot that you can handle...
  5. N

    Spider Mites.... please help

    i started my plant thinking i would just have it for fun but it became my hobby. i went from planting it in a single cup all the way up to a five gallon storage box. everything has been going relatively right but i noticed something the day after i repotted it. there is sporadic white dots...
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    whats wrong?

    my bad lol
  7. N

    whats wrong?

    whats wrong with my plant?
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    Red Spectrum in Veg. Stage?

    I have my plant under cfls, all 4000k or higher. I want to get another cfl but all I can find in the higher wattage is red spectrum. How does this type of light effect the plant during the veg stage? I put a small cfl next to the plant the other day and I noticed that it pre-flowered, ITS A...
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    Alternating Nodes at 45 days veg?

    thank you, thats what i wanted to know.
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    Alternating Nodes at 45 days veg?

    the question was is it normal at 45 days....
  11. N

    Alternating Nodes at 45 days veg?

    my plant is 6 weeks old, 45 days, from seed. now my plant has been LSTing the whole time so it has multiple colas that are alternating branches as well as the 11th node that is the first to start alternating branches. is this normal this young?
  12. N

    fucked up on soil help plz

    thats why i bought it lol. the other bags are too big for me. i transplanted mine at about 3 sets of leaves and it was not ready. i ended up tearing 40-50% of the roots out including the tap root, but not only did it survive, it thrived. its still alive and well but the drainage problem is not...
  13. N

    Leaves at bottom of plant

    its normal for a plant to yellow during flowering, but that looks a little off
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    fucked up on soil help plz

    i'm using that soil for my plants now. the only thing bad about it is that it doesn't drain the best. i added 30 to 40% perlite and it works great. make sure when you transplant that youve added something for drainage.
  15. N

    sad about my blueberry

    she would have been beautiful
  16. N

    nutrients help

    everyone is going have a different answer but all marijuana needs is a balanced NPK ratio. more nitrogen for veg and more phosphorous for flowering. even miracle grow nutes are fine.
  17. N

    first grow, unusually long stems? pictures inside.

    i would just start over with new seeds imho
  18. N

    moving plants inside and outside?

    I did that in the first few weeks of one of my plants. the problem that happens is that the plant will constantly have to adapt to the new temperatures, environment. you want to try to keep everything at a constant. most people will say that it will stress the plant out, and it will, but not...
  19. N

    what about a horizontal pot?

    THANK YOU! thats what I wanted to know
  20. N

    what about a horizontal pot?

    the only question i have about the pot is if it would have negative effects on the plant. i'm growing a sativa now and its doing fine. it would just be easier to go up in pot size.