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  1. N

    what about a horizontal pot?

    I have about a 5 week old plant LSTing nowbut I want to be able to put it in a large enough container for bigger grow/yield but i just wouldnt have the vertical space.
  2. N

    what about a horizontal pot?

    thats what I mean. a pot that is longer rather than taller. it would still have the same space just less vertical space.
  3. N

    what about a horizontal pot?

    i can't seem to find any information on this. if i used a horizontal pot throughout my plants life will it effect it differently? what if the pot is 2-3 gallons just less vertical space?
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    Deformed seedling

    i germinated and planted this bag seed i had about 3 weeks ago. it sprouted with three cotyledon. i thought it was cool so i kept it. it has had various deformities but the last set of leaves were normal, figured out it was a indica. now, it stopped growing new leaves. the kola just looked like...
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    Confirmed Female?

  6. N

    First Grow

    how old are they?
  7. N

    seed gender?

    then they didnt know what they were talking about. usually you can only tell when it has been in it's flowering period for a week or two. some strains preflower early but usually it has to flower for you to tell.
  8. N

    Yellow leaves

    i would say flush it because it looks like nute burn but the rest of the plant looks very nice. like that dude said youll probably do more damage.
  9. N

    sexing help

    no i dont it was just a bag seed
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    sexing help

    alright just wasnt sure. i've never had a plant have this strong of a smell this early.
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    sexing help

    its only 4 weeks old too and still far from flowering
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    sexing help

    i walked into my room today and immediately smelt weed. i went to go see if it was my plant or not and it was. it could possibly just be the chlorophyll but its stronger and slightly fruitier. could this be a sign that its a female?
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    im very confused. if it was a nitrogen deficiency why would the tips, even of the new growth, be brown? if it was too much nitrogen then the leaves would be dark green. right?
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    yeah im going to flush and see what happens. do you know what wrong with it?
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    can anyone help?
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    can anyone tell whats wrong?
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    i just noticed the tips starting to brown too :(. should i flush?
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    i've been growing a plant for about a month now. ive done a lot of harm to it but it still lives. my problem is the soil. i used different things and now im nor sure whats in the soil. ive noticed a big nitrogen def and plan on investing in some good nutrients. my question is should i try to...
  20. N

    very bad transplant...

    it is still growing but the leaves are becoming light yellow-green. is this probably from the shock?