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  1. W

    Seeds not growing, help!

    Im not too familiar with 150 watts but that doesn't seem too close for seedlings but probably too close for them in a bag. Do you have a thermometer eiyha probe? If you do put it in the bag with them and find outthe temp.
  2. W

    Seeds not growing, help!

    What kind of light are you using? I put my 400w about 3 feet away for seedlings. A bag is a bad idea if you do use one keep it open so temps don't get too high. A 400w 1about foot away in a closed bag would create temps way too high. If you can keep humidity around 60% don't use a humidity dome...
  3. W

    3 week old plants, light green in middle of leaves/wrinkly leaves.

    Ok so these plants are about 3 weeks old, I had some problems with them starting up, growth was very slow but then I transplanted them a few days ago and they have been great, until now. They were started in FF light warrior, and they just got transplanted into 1 gallon bags of FF ocean...
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    2 week old seedlings, growth is stunted.

    So here they are 2 days later, growth has been great. I'm still worried about a couple, leaves are curling upwards, but otherwise everything is great. When should I start feeding them?
  5. W

    Second grow 400w kalichakra and ak47 x northern lights.

    Ok so here is an update, there doing great! There is one that i'm concerned about, doesn't look like it's going to make it (bottom right in the pic). The leaves are curling upward and it's very wrinkly. I transplanted them 2 days ago into straight FFOF with some added perlite, after trying to...
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    2 week old seedlings, growth is stunted.

    Well I'm hoping for the best, I'll post again in a few days and let you know how they are.
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    2 week old seedlings, growth is stunted.

    Alright so I transplanted yesterday morning and I took pics right after the transplant, then I took pics this morning. There looking better, so this is very good. I transplanted then watered about half gallon for each 1 gallon pot with distilled water. Here are the pics, the first one is right...
  8. W

    2 week old seedlings, growth is stunted.

    So I transplanted them into 1 gallon grow bags successfully today. I alsodo watered themtoday thourouly with distilleda water with a small amount ofof ph up. Im at work now but ill post some pics when I get home.
  9. W

    2 week old seedlings, growth is stunted.

    Well temps are usually 72-78, humidity is about 45-55%, humidity was low for a little while but the past 4-5 days it's been a steady 50%. Air circulations, I have a 452 cfm vortex fan running at half strength exhausting out of the room, and there is a passive intake (no actual holes) just the...
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    2 week old seedlings, growth is stunted.

    Sorry kingrow I don't have a meter... Thanks a lot for your help, I hope we can figure this out soon before it's too late :( I'm thinking that when I flush with distilled water I'm going to transplant them into 1 gallon grow bags with FF ocean forest. I mean it can't hurt right?
  11. W

    2 week old seedlings, growth is stunted.

    Here is a few pics of one of the plants roots.
  12. W

    2 week old seedlings, growth is stunted.

    The website is just a bunch of babbling about conserving water etc, but here is the whole water report page.
  13. W

    2 week old seedlings, growth is stunted.

    Sunbiz are you sure? I used the same exact cups for my last grow with no issues. Should I pull one out as if i'm transplanting to check for root binding near the surface?
  14. W

    2 week old seedlings, growth is stunted.

    Well here is my water report, this is the most recent one I can find. Any help would be awesome!
  15. W

    Please help me save my plants----quick!

    I'm a soil grower but a few times I have let my plants get so dry they have looked just like yours. I thought they would never come back and I was freaking out, I watered them and within a few hours they looked perfect, couldn't even tell anything had been wrong. Again I'm a soil grower but I...
  16. W

    2 week old seedlings, growth is stunted.

    I've had a successful grow with using tap water, but I recently moved so the tap is different. So my question still is should I flush with distilled water even though I just watered yesterday? Here is an updated pic, they perk up about 12 hours after being watered.
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    2 week old seedlings, growth is stunted.

    Oh and yes I do have holes at the bottom of my cups.
  18. W

    2 week old seedlings, growth is stunted.

    Alright maybe its my tap water? I just watered them yesterday but should I go out and get some spring water today and do a flush?
  19. W

    Second grow 400w kalichakra and ak47 x northern lights.

    Yeah no nutes and im using light warrior right now its made for seedlings. Ill transplant into ocean forest when there ready.
  20. W

    Messed up soil - any way out of it?

    I would try submerging the whole pot until it is water logged then pull it out and let it drain.