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  1. W

    2 week old seedlings, growth is stunted.

    Well it's light warrior, its made for seedlings. This was the answer I was waiting for, I thought it was lack of nutes the whole time but others have told me otherwise. I just gave them a watering today, should I wait until next watering to give them some nutes(big bloom 0.01.-0.3-0.7 I have the...
  2. W

    2 week old seedlings, growth is stunted.

    So I'm growing kalichakra from mandala. I planted these seeds on the 2nd and it took them 3-4 days to sprout so there a little older than 2 weeks. I started them in Fox Farms Light Warrior. I've only every done one other grow and my plants at this age were easily triple the size of these...
  3. W

    Second grow 400w kalichakra and ak47 x northern lights.

    So heres a couple updated pics. I only waited 3 days between waterings, they started getting droopy today so I watered them with about a 6.3 pH I've been watering with about a 6.8 so maybe they'll like the lower pH a bit. There still not looking great, growth is still very slow. I'm not sure...
  4. W

    Second grow 400w kalichakra and ak47 x northern lights.

    Hah yes your at the right place
  5. W

    Repeat Post Please Delete

    sorry machnak I have another thread that I posted this was a repeat post idk why it happened, I hope you follow along!
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    Repeat Post Please Delete

  7. W

    Second grow 400w kalichakra and ak47 x northern lights.

    So this is my second grow, first grow with good genetics. Running a 400w with air cooled hood, hooked up to a 452 cfm vortex fan running at about half strength. I planted 11 seeds, 10 kalichakra and one femd ak47 x northern lights in light warrior with no pre germ. I think I planted them a...
  8. W

    Couple questions

    With my no name 400w I got 8 oz my first grow with bagseed, a little over .5 grams/watt. I'm not saying that it couldn't have been more with a name brand ballast but it got the job done for sure and is still getting the job done. If you have the money go for the name brands but if not the no...
  9. W

    Couple questions

    Try ebay thats where I got mine, it was really cheap but no name brand or anything. Height depends on how big your buckets are etc but 6ft seems like plenty, and if they seem like they might be too tall start some LST.
  10. W

    Growing some kalichakra got some problems..

    Thanks lonestand your clones look great, mine aren't even close to that size so I'll wait until they are about that big and decide to transplant. I was thinking about transplanting not because of them being rootbound but because the new soil would provide new nutrients. But like you said the...
  11. W

    Growing some kalichakra got some problems..

    Thanks guys, yes it is from mandala. This is my first time growing mandala. I agree growone it does look like there lacking something but all the advice I have gotten was to leave them alone. I have 1 gallon grow bags ready to transplant so I might do that in the near future. They will be...
  12. W

    Growing some kalichakra got some problems..

    So I started 10 kalichakra seeds about 15 days ago, they sprouted about 4 days later so my plants are about 11 days old. There growth has been very slow and leaves have been curling/yellowing. I'm not sure whats been happening. I've been struggling to keep the RH up its been averaging about...