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  1. G

    Proper tie down techniques.......Irene is coming.

    I live about 100 miles inland from the NC coast. We could get 55+mph winds where I'm at (unless they change the track again for the 100th time). Can someone tell me the best technique to tie my girls down? I went and bought 6 of these 4ft stakes with multiple areas to attach string/twine...
  2. G

    hell of a storm!

    I feel your pain bro. Mother nature can be a bitch from hell. I've got 2 beautiful plants outside right now. I'm about 100 miles inland from the NC coast. Probably going to lose a few branches myself, if not worse from Irene.
  3. G

    Hurricane Irene seems to be headed this way..what should i do about my plants?

    They should be fine if the lights go out. As long as you can get back to your house to check on them within a day or so. They'll survive. Be happy yours is inside instead of outside in the ground like mine lol. Oh man, *%&% this damn hurricane. Its really going to screw a LOT of people.
  4. G

    Is this pot or not?

    Did he find it growing in his yard inside a container?
  5. G

    How can i protect my outdoor plant from hurricane irene??

    I live near the Raleigh, NC area about 100-120 miles inland. I was worried as hell about this storm as well, especially the other day when the track had it coming straight at me. It looks like I will be spared, hopefully the hurricane will keep tracking eastward and not bother anyone. I have...
  6. G

    My two girls.

    I've got 2 plants outside as well and they look like they are at about the same stage in flowering as yours. The strain I'm working with (Purple Star) always starts to flower a little later than most other strains I've worked with. They don't start flowering until early August. You are...