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  1. W

    Pics available, need help

    Bad soil drain .. use medium soil !!!!
  2. W

    I spray for powder mold, it hits back harder

    You can use GreenCure google it that what they use for tabacco they spray with greencure 7 days before havert ,, check them out ...
  3. W

    I spray for powder mold, it hits back harder

    yup sulphur burner on timer helped ..
  4. W

    these spots bugs or other problem?

    I would spray them with Pure-spray or zero by Ed
  5. W

    wtf...someone tell me what you think....with pics

    Nothing wrong with it that new growth ..
  6. W

    Aerogarden problem

  7. W

    I changed my mind the aerogarden sucks

    Doing Areoponics you supposed to check it 2 or 3 time a day .. not like water turn on machine let go .... and leave ...
  8. W

    My new Set up room ...

    I dont have sprayers inside .. it has hole in tube that jet hit side wall and make mist and oxygen... i pour vemit in the system .. and before light off spray them with venit just follow the directions ... good luck
  9. W

    My new Set up room ...

    i walked to other room u cant hear a thing . once u opened door it little bit noisey... not bad ..
  10. W

    My new Set up room ...

    milar ? huh what you mean ?
  11. W

    My new Set up room ...

    Day 5 In Aeroponics check out how fast the roots grow .. so fuckin stroked !!!! You see the Bag of Vemit T .. this stuff do work!! they dont change ppm or ph .. what i do i put half that bag in 20 gals res. and i spray them on the same day before they go bed ... the next morning the root...
  12. W

    What is this? Yellow Dots

    I think your need to go back to 7th grade and take sicnce class lol
  13. W

    What is this? Yellow Dots

    Hard water or ph ! fo ure if nutes burn they turned yellow n brown you idiot not from nutes . the temp must be around 74 and the ph for soil 6.5 hydro 5.5 ..
  14. W

    Cru3l's LED Grow Veg Tent-- 2nd Grow

    That tiny buds under ufo plus cfl ? .. wasting bills man ..
  15. W

    My new Set up room ...

    What DWC ?
  16. W

    My new Set up room ...

    Ohh i forgot !!! i planted Granddaddy purp !!! lol after granddaddy purp i gonna have blue dream next !!! cant wait ....
  17. W

    My new Set up room ...

    ALLLL I need TO get B-52 , Overdrive , Big Bud, Piranha , Nirvana , Tarantula ,Final Phase That all i need by next week.. i gonna let it veg for 1 week in areo then bloom .. check this website out easy they have this app for iphone so...
  18. W

    My new Set up room ...

    Will post Pic soon! which nutes should i go with areopoincs .. i was thinking about advacned > any idea
  19. W

    My new Set up room ...

    You guys not gonna belive this !! good news i met this lady that tried to grow food.. she tried areoponics and it failed . She put areoponics away and bough a 4x4 flood talbe with stand everything ... and it failed..... then she tried soil .. it work for her .. guess what she gave me 30 sites...
  20. W

    First ever grow attempt

    it a male look the pic !! the fourth pic