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  1. W

    My new Set up room ...

    Just got the Areoponics gonna set it up tonite and run water .. test run over night make sure no leaking ... then i will plants in ... woohooo !!!
  2. W

    cooling grow tent

    I say get a/C
  3. W

    looking for ac

    Get window A/C cuz stuipd portable a/c suck all co2 out room and ordor
  4. W

    what bug is causing this damage? PIC included

    spray them with PureSpray .. when light off ..
  5. W

    Help Identifing Bug

    turn ac to 67 for 24 hr all bugs gone ..
  6. W

    at how many watts does it become SUSPICIOUS??

    Get solar or shut up smoke some joint lol ..
  7. W

    How to get black bud

    Your high !!! Hahahah
  8. W

    need help plz setting up new grow room

    Go Areoponics !! get 3 times more yeild!!
  9. W

    First time grower. Please help!

    PH should be around 5.6 or 5.5 .. what the water temp ? if water temp go over 79 then it srecwed ..
  10. W

    my leaves are curling and twisting

    Voodoo ! work !
  11. W

    Going to try soil and have questions

    Go get marjuana bible read it ... it helped me that how i learned ... good luck
  12. W

    Going to try soil and have questions

    Do you know what Ph ? PPM ? Hardwater ? if you dont you should study on that .. before u do anything .. it all about the roots. for soil ph should be around 6.4 . for hydro the ph shuld be aound 5.5 or 5.6... PPM tell you how much nutes in water ...
  13. W

    My new Set up room ...

    I love it !! and pushing 20 % more power of light than any other ballast.. plus light weight can hang on wall and never get hot cuz it had 2 fans builded in .
  14. W

    My new Set up room ...

    Sorry i m stoned yeah ! Air from outside stright to hood then outside with filter ...
  15. W

    My new Set up room ...

    No i pulling air from in house to outside ..
  16. W

    My new Set up room ...

    I gonna build areponics tomorrow .. wish me luck ,...... will post pics
  17. W

    My new Set up room ...

    Where can i find info how to make areoponics ? thanks
  18. W

    My new Set up room ...

    yeah do u know where or any website how to make home made areoponics ? thank man
  19. W

    bubbleponics/dwc come see what's up in my closet!!!!

    Get the water filter from they are cheap that where i ordered my .. Before I bought water filter from home depot and the ppm still 250 .. it not same kind of filter ... the filter at hydro shop have are not for human .. good luck .. nice set up ... but u need to keep all...