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  1. F

    Complete Newbie-First grow ever

    Ok. So out of 4 plants, 2 have been male. I am just at the 50/50 odds mark and really hoping that Gladys and Anita are gonna be my females. It would be nice to have two females to work with, which would allow me to select and clone out the strongest. But at this point I would be happy with even...
  2. F

    Complete Newbie-First grow ever

    Here is a picture that shows a little of the growth that Aretha made in the 8 days of a 12/12 photo period. Needless to say it was explosive. You will see a bit of stretching, but I didnt really mind, as the sole purpose for the clone was sexing. I figured if I got any usable bud that would be a...
  3. F

    Complete Newbie-First grow ever

    I know it's been awhile, but I was too busy to make regular frequent updates. But the good news is, I have documented things along the way and will post some entries and photos for those interested. First off, one of my seedlings didnt make it. Erykah just didnt survive. That left me with 4...
  4. F

    Bedroom Chimney Ultimate Stealth grow(pics)

    I've germinated 5 so far using kitchen roll, on average they are taking 3 full days. But again the time will vary based on the quality of the seed, temperature, etc. I have heard of it taking up to 10 days, but I think thats really an exception. I would expect that you see some signs of life...
  5. F

    Complete Newbie-First grow ever

    Well I am sad to say that one of my baby's isnt doing too well, and I dont think it will pull through. I'm not sure what happened but the day before yesterday Erykah had a bad night. All day yesterday she was in isolation but it's not a good look. Also her cousin India is having a bit of a rough...
  6. F

    Bedroom Chimney Ultimate Stealth grow(pics)

    Hey bro, I'm in the UK too. London town. Why on earth would you buy hash? There is so much good prime green bud around. Even "good hash" isnt great and it kills your lungs to smoke it. If you cant find the seed, leave it in the soil. If you didnt end up burying it too deeply, you might just...
  7. F

    Complete Newbie-First grow ever

    Great! Thanks for following!
  8. F

    Complete Newbie-First grow ever

    Thanks for the heads up. I'll bear that in mind in future.
  9. F

    How to Make a Grow Box From A to Z

    This is a really nice post, but may I suggest you edit the post and add some carriage returns so you dont have to scroll sideways to read it? Again, nice post and very good info and pics!
  10. F

    Complete Newbie-First grow ever

    Here are the initial four seedlings. I germinated them in a moist paper towel until they cracked, then planted them in soil from my back yard. Once they were a week old (as here in the picture) I transferred them to the rock wool. These pictures are one day after transfer, so 1 week + 1 day (8...
  11. F

    Complete Newbie-First grow ever

    This is the 5th seed I germinated, which was approximately 3 days after my first 4 seeds were germinated and planted. I am adding this picture first because I call this my miracle seedling. The picture is only 1 day after germination. I couldnt belive how much it grew in just one day.
  12. F

    Complete Newbie-First grow ever

    Ok, so I am posting some pictures and details about my first ever attempt at growing a nice MJ plant. The seeds I started with are nothing special. I got some "decent" quality smoke that was grown in outdoor soil in Jamaica. It was very heavily laiden with seeds. I had half an ounce of smoke...