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  1. F

    Complete Newbie-First grow ever

    The particular plants I am working with, have proven to be hard to clone, hence the reason I made the bubble cloner. Originally I cloned them in ROOT RIOT cubes. I had what I consider good/reasonable success, however it took on average 3 1/2 to 4 weeks before they were ready to transplant. Most...
  2. F

    AK47+Chronic 600 vert tent grow

    Anything is possible. But I havent heard of anyone running into trouble from posting to the forums. :) Looking forward to the pictures.
  3. F

    First Journal, Master Kush/LemonSkunk/TrainWreck PICS!

    Nice. The MK and LS plants are looking SWEET!
  4. F

    Complete Newbie-First grow ever

    Holy clones Batman! Did you see those roots? Ok, so maybe their arent that fantastic, but after struggling with my plants for a month to get roots in a typical propagation tray, I am very pleased with the results I am seeing so far. All of my clones in the DIY bubble cloner I made, are from...
  5. F

    Complete Newbie-First grow ever

    Well you did nice work, very clean and neat as well. I am a stickler for tidy work. "If its worth doing, its worth doing right.." No I'm not moving house, I am just waiting for a basement to become free. I have been "given" a small section of it to setup a grow and have been toying around with...
  6. F

    First Journal, Master Kush/LemonSkunk/TrainWreck PICS!

    Its always nice to see the little babies come through. I planted 2 more seeds the day before yesterday, and I got two seedlings that are really taking off. Now I need to decide whether to start a new journal for them. :) How are the seedlings that you put in the bags doing?
  7. F

    First Journal, Master Kush/LemonSkunk/TrainWreck PICS!

    I'd be happier to say I tested them all! HA!
  8. F

    First Journal, Master Kush/LemonSkunk/TrainWreck PICS!

    Thats the hardest part...the waiting. Seems like forever since I put mine in flower, but is only been 3 weeks LOL I'm anxious for you, I am curious to see which of your strains get the highest overall rating. Picking the strain maybe be one of the hardest decision a grower ever makes.
  9. F

    Complete Newbie-First grow ever

    Cheers Fish Nice setup BTW. Gave me a few ideas for a DIY modular setup. Something that could save loads of money and maximise the use of small spaces. Gonna start some work on it in a couple of months in a new place. --Watch this space--
  10. F

    First Journal, Master Kush/LemonSkunk/TrainWreck PICS!

    Because they are growing from seeds, I would go to a smaller pot still. The reason is they arent mature yet. And the smaller pot allows the plant to devote some of its energy to nodal growth. And you want lots of nodes and branches for cloning purposes. Especially if you know you have a female...
  11. F

    4x8 Secret Jardin 240W GrowRoom split into Veg/Flower rooms COMPLETED!

    Hey Fish, That's very creative and nice work. I had a very similar plan in mind but due to space restrictions went with a slightly different approach. I'm curious. How much heat are you generating with that setup? Are you finding you have to cool it down alot?
  12. F

    Complete Newbie-First grow ever

    Thanks Bill. I was beginning to worry that I was gonna get nothing but balls. It's a good thing I planted that one extra seed after all. If I hadnt I would have been balls out! LOL
  13. F

    Complete Newbie-First grow ever

    Cheers Fishern! Glad you are with me. I am happy to exchange ideas. These forums are a great sounding board. And I am always eager to try out new ideas!
  14. F

    First Journal, Master Kush/LemonSkunk/TrainWreck PICS!

    Cool. Sometimes I worry that I butt in too much LOL BTW I made a slight edit to the 3rd paragraph in the previous post, and added a bit at the bottom too.
  15. F

    Complete Newbie-First grow ever

    Ha! I cant remember if I have short term memory or not LOL
  16. F

    First Journal, Master Kush/LemonSkunk/TrainWreck PICS!

    Good stuff. Just for added measure, I'll throw my 2 cents in once again. This time about transplanting. When you transplant, fill the new container about 3/4 with soil. Then tap the container on the sides, or lift it and tap the bottom on the ground or counter, wherever you are working. This...
  17. F

    First Journal, Master Kush/LemonSkunk/TrainWreck PICS!

    Cheers mk. I am really jealous of that lemon skunk. Alot of plants dont look that good so early on. If that turns out to be female I bet that would be a great mother plant, and I can only imagine what the smoke would be like.
  18. F

    AK47+Chronic 600 vert tent grow

    If you are worried about your IP being traced follow this steps. 1. Go to which will show your IP address that the outside workld sees. Make a note of it. 2. Then go to and download and install Hotspot Shield. 3. Go to...
  19. F

    Complete Newbie-First grow ever

    LOL Duuuuuude.... I dont know if you were sleepy or high, but that plant is a girl! :) Maybe I wasnt excited enough in my post and gave the impression it was male. LOL But thanks for feeling my pain with the other three. At any rate she is a girl and I am happy. I got at least one female to...
  20. F

    First Journal, Master Kush/LemonSkunk/TrainWreck PICS!

    Unless your soil is drying out really fast, thats a bit too much water. I suspect thats why some of them are drooping. Too much water. Also, that much water is inviting mold. Let the top of the soil dry a bit before you water. And remember even if the soil at the top is dry due to the light and...