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  1. F

    First Journal, Master Kush/LemonSkunk/TrainWreck PICS!

    As long as the soil is moist (not soaking wet, but like a nice moist cake :)), there is no need to do anything. If you must clear your conscience....lightly spray the inside of the bag. I learned the hard way, not to let water sit on the leaves of the young seedlings. They...
  2. F

    Complete Newbie-First grow ever

    Out of my 4 plants, 3 have turned out to be male. Cutting them up for compost wasnt easy after I put so much TLC into them. My one last hope is for my miracle seedling Anita. So as part of my daily routine of checks and so forth I look at my Anita clones to see if there is any progress...
  3. F

    First Journal, Master Kush/LemonSkunk/TrainWreck PICS!

    Whatever works! This might be hard to picture...but once the seed pops through the soil, carefully place bag...any bag, even a grocery bag will work, over the seedling. Then gently blow into the bag filling it with carbon dioxide. Twist the bag a few times, tuck the excess underneath the cup or...
  4. F

    First Journal, Master Kush/LemonSkunk/TrainWreck PICS!

    If you fail to plan...then you plan to fail. :eyesmoke:
  5. F

    My first grow was going really good until...........

    Thats absolutely devastating. Break all ties with the girl. Move house, and start again. Women come and go but your plants will be with you always! I dont know if I could have done it. But you're right. Not worth the risk. Women can do some really malicious and devious shit. I hope you can grow...
  6. F

    Seed Soak

    I know this is an old post, but did you try this? Any results?
  7. F

    AK47+Chronic 600 vert tent grow

    That plant looks nice and healthy. What light cycle are you on? Are they all on the same cycle? Are you sure those are pistils and not just normal stipules? E.g. are they the tips of the stipules on the other side of the stem?
  8. F

    AK47+Chronic 600 vert tent grow

    I'm no expert, but I really think you are overwatering. My plants are 3 times the size of yours and I am using only 300 mls for each plant. Thats also why you have moss. Your plants are going to be very prone to root rot, mold, fungus and other pests. Also I am sure you love your cat, but I...
  9. F

    First Journal, Master Kush/LemonSkunk/TrainWreck PICS!

    Thanks Yeah, planning ahead is key I think. I tried to account for everything, but since it is my first ever grow, I was sure to miss out on some things. You dont know what you dont know...right? If I did it over again, I would have made a bigger space to hold my mother plants with a small...
  10. F

    Complete Newbie-First grow ever

    Ok, here are a couple of pictures of the new roots. Upon further inspection, I realised that the roots are forming right at the point where I trimmed of the fan leaves at the node. Curiously no signs of roots at the bottom 45 degree angle cut. I'm sure as the root develop more, the entire...
  11. F

    Complete Newbie-First grow ever

    As hard as it may be to believe, one of the clones in my "new-fangled, super duper, clone-o-matic" has started rooting. The roots are just the starting buds of roots, but there are definitely 3 very distinct roots emerging. Curiously I thought the roots would be growing straight down toward the...
  12. F

    First Journal, Master Kush/LemonSkunk/TrainWreck PICS!

    It's not the clones you have to worry about, its the mother plants. They will get quite big and bushy. Which is what you want, so they give you lots of nice clones. But they will take up space. And they need light. a fair amount of light. Flouros are ideal as very little heat, so no need to vent...
  13. F

    First Journal, Master Kush/LemonSkunk/TrainWreck PICS!

    The clones dont take long. No need to let them grow to a size. As soon as they go to 12/12 they grow from tiny little cuttings into massive plants. I would say about 3 times the grow rate as when in veg cycle. Its really really fast. Litterally 2-3 inches or more a day! And I almost forgot...
  14. F

    First Journal, Master Kush/LemonSkunk/TrainWreck PICS!

    Cool. Well here's a heads up on a few things I didnt think about until I got to the bridge, which required some improvising. When cloning, you can put a rooted clone into flowering cycle much earlier than when you would a plant that you were just going to finish from seed. However you need to...
  15. F

    First Journal, Master Kush/LemonSkunk/TrainWreck PICS!

    Hey Mac! Checking out your journal. Things are looking good. I'm curious. Are you planning to clone your plants and keep mothers or are you just going to go from seed to finish?
  16. F

    Complete Newbie-First grow ever

    Spent some time in Vegas. Great to visit, wouldnt want to be trapped there for long though....although I understand medical use is legal there...maybe not so bad after all. :)
  17. F

    Complete Newbie-First grow ever

    Now back to my cloning woes. These plants are taking ages to root. From what I have read from others, is that some strains are known to be pretty difficult to root. This is comforting in that I am confident I am not doing anything wrong in my attempts, but it doesnt help my clones root any...
  18. F

    Complete Newbie-First grow ever

    Hi Machnak. Thanks for coming along. The problem with my hobbies, is I tend to loose interest after I spend the money. :) I have a feeling I will never loose interest in this though. She does get jealous. Says I spend more time with the plants than I do her. She'll feel better come harvest...
  19. F

    Complete Newbie-First grow ever

    Hi Johnny! Thanks for the support. I read alot, hoping to avoid as many mistakes as I can. Inevitably I've made some, but thankfully none very big...yet. :)
  20. F

    Complete Newbie-First grow ever

    Remember that song by Gladys Knight, "If I Was Your Woman?"? Well after both Aretha and India turned out to be male, that song kept running through my mind. I had a really difficult time getting the plants to root from cutting. I followed a very tried and tested method for taking my cuttings...