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  1. F

    Clone help :-/

    The cuttings will start to yellow...especially at the tips, as the rooting intensifies. Rooting requires energy. There are no roots to take energy form the soil, or whatever medium, so the plant has to use stored energy, which is found in the leaf. As rooting progresses, so will the yellowing...
  2. F

    Free Grow Software!

    Did it on codeplex. Should I do sourceforge instead?
  3. F

    Clone help :-/

    Honestly my friend, 8 days is too soon. Some people get lucky and see roots in 8 days or less, but thats the exception, not the rule. Anywhere between 15-21 is more realistic. As I said before. My clones using the method your using (almost exactly) take on average 3 and half weeks to a month...
  4. F

    Clone help :-/

    I have heard alot of people doing 24/0 lights. I started off that way, and found that after switching to 18/6 the process was faster. Obviously every strain is different, as is the individual environment. Its safe to say though, that the cuttings dont require that much interaction.
  5. F

    Clone help :-/

    Duuuuude... chill! :) You are way over stressing here. When it comes to cloning, less is more. Leave them alone and let them do their thing. Also you are watering/misting waaaaay too much. Think, if you keep feeding them through their leafs, what need/incentive do they have to develop...
  6. F

    Free Grow Software!

    Just checking this out. As I started to do some work on something very similar and saw this thread. You guys are alot further ahead of me. I've begun entering in data, and I notice there is ALOT of repetition. Also I would have tyou would have a field for Start Veg. For example, clones dont...
  7. F

    Grow database...Anyone interested?

    I wasnt sure where to post this, so if this is in the wrong place, please accept my apoligies in advance. Basically I am looking to make a grow database. I figured I would start simple and build upon it as I go along. The thing is, I am new to growing and I am sure there are things I will...
  8. F

    First Journal, Master Kush/LemonSkunk/TrainWreck PICS!

    Yeah, she has seen her last days, I'm afraid. If there were any cotleydons left e.g something with some green, there would be a chance of recovery, but I cant see that one pulling through. Thats exactly what happened to one of my seedlings when I let water sit on the immature leafs. But I think...
  9. F

    Complete Newbie-First grow ever

    Another quick clone update. Two of my clones have fully rooted and have been tranplanted to soil. Two others are are well on their way to being fully rooted, and two more are at the "pre-root build up stage". This is where you see alot of brownish plant material on the stem just before the first...
  10. F

    First Journal, Master Kush/LemonSkunk/TrainWreck PICS!

    can you take a couple pictures from different angles of just the sick one?
  11. F

    Complete Newbie-First grow ever

    This is short and sweet. Here is a picture of my Anita clones. I've also got some tomato's and sunflower in there with them. The fan is too big for purpose, and will be replaced later this week when my supplier gets new stock in. The yellow bowl of tap water serves two purposes, One is added...
  12. F

    Complete Newbie-First grow ever

    If you have ever attempted cloning using the cube or soil methods, and if you have had any success at all (even 50/50), you will find the bubble cloning method to be easy-peasy lemon squeezy! The first part of this method is identical to the standard method, and some of the same tools are...
  13. F

    Complete Newbie-First grow ever

    Hey Fish, thanks for +. Wait a week after transplant before you take your clones if you can. You will need to let the plants recover. When you transplant, I assume you will be doing a nice watering, and maybe some superthrive? If so, you want to give the mother the chance to utilise the...
  14. F

    First Journal, Master Kush/LemonSkunk/TrainWreck PICS!

    Everything is looking great. Ph is fine, temps are fine, but a little too much water for the seedlings. Cut that amount in half for another week or so. Remember the roots are very fragile, and prone to infection or rot with so much water. Besides, the seedlings are no where near being able to...
  15. F

    Complete Newbie-First grow ever

    Oh no! Fingers crossed she pulls through!
  16. F

    Complete Newbie-First grow ever

    Ok, this one is short and sweet. End of day 6 on my bubble cloner. Anita1 Another day, or maybe two and she is going to her new home. Anita2 The roots have started much more dense than Anita1. I can't wait to see how they look in a couple more days. The other clones arent showing much...
  17. F

    First Journal, Master Kush/LemonSkunk/TrainWreck PICS!

    Nothing serous I hope?
  18. F

    First Journal, Master Kush/LemonSkunk/TrainWreck PICS!

    Yeah it looks like they could use a little nitro. Slow and steady is the way to go. Remember, Its always ALOT easier to add more nutrients then try to reverse the effects of too much. You wouldnt give a newborn steak, would you? Start it off with a hamburger. LOL The new growth is coming in a...
  19. F

    First Journal, Master Kush/LemonSkunk/TrainWreck PICS!

    The hardest part is the waiting. And you are now at that waiting stage. Do what I do and spark the pipe and pass the time :)
  20. F

    Complete Newbie-First grow ever

    No problem bro. Happy to help when I can.