First Journal, Master Kush/LemonSkunk/TrainWreck PICS!


Well-Known Member
Yeah brother they're looking better everyday!!! You're doing really well, I have no doubts you'll be a happy man come harvest time. Awesome work bro!


Well-Known Member
Only time will tell and I will be pretty ecstatic. I have 7 plants now, if they are all female....I'd be the happiest man alive.

I wish that MYS3 seedling would pull through but as days go on she looks worse and worse. Oh well.


Well-Known Member
I can when I get home tonight at midnight, I think tonight will be my deciding factor on if I'm gonna trash her or not depending on if she has shown any progress towards recovery.

I'm hoping the best though. =)


Well-Known Member
Haha, bored at work buddy of mine thought it was pretty funny decided to post. =) Baboon smokin the :leaf:.


Well-Known Member
Alright so here they are finally got home from work.

Made a second intake hole made things a degree cooler. I had to reinforce my entire panda paper door and tarp zip up, all the pressure pulling air out of the room made it want to collapse...ok it wasn't that bad but just for safe measures. :blsmoke:

Fly, I took as many pictures as I thought was suiting, seems the stem got a little less green. Think I have to say goodbye to MYS3.

Let me know what you think guys! I think the new growth is still a tad too yellow so next watering I'm going to give them full strength nutrients.

Let me know what you all think! Thanks again RIU. bongsmilie





Well-Known Member
Yeah, she has seen her last days, I'm afraid. If there were any cotleydons left e.g something with some green, there would be a chance of recovery, but I cant see that one pulling through. Thats exactly what happened to one of my seedlings when I let water sit on the immature leafs. But I think you have more than enough survivors to keep you busy. I cant wait to see how you manage them all. :)


Well-Known Member
Yeah, she has seen her last days, I'm afraid. If there were any cotleydons left e.g something with some green, there would be a chance of recovery, but I cant see that one pulling through. Thats exactly what happened to one of my seedlings when I let water sit on the immature leafs. But I think you have more than enough survivors to keep you busy. I cant wait to see how you manage them all. :)
With the best of care my friend. =)

sorry aboout the one casualty but man the rest are looking good!!
Yea, gave her a proper burial this morning. Thanks! They're growing more and more everyday.


Well-Known Member



Well-Known Member
I gotta tell you bro you're doing probably the best out of all the people I've met on here. If you're not in sole posession of first place you are certainly sharing it. Way to go bro.


Well-Known Member
Everything is looking good. I wouldnt be surprised of all three of those larger plants are females. They look nice and short and dense. Good stuff.


Well-Known Member
Thanks MK, not sure if I'm really high or just cheesin from the compliment. Either way I needed the smile, thanks bro.

Fly, I'm right there with you man! Nothing I can do now but tell them sweet things, watch em grow, and wait to start flowering.

Another couple pictures to come soon. Another day at work, woo-hoo!

Anyways, I'm posting a lot of pictures, A. for RIU and B. so I can go back and check on progress...etc., etc.


Well-Known Member
Here's a couple from before their lights came on this morning. Flash was used.


I'll take a few more tonight once I'm home...2AM...ergh. I'll also take a few more tomorrow in natural light so none of the yellow from the flash will show. They're all green. =)