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  1. i grow everglades bud

    Holy Shit My dispensary just got raided!!

    well the only reason they would be raided is if there was reason to, a dispencery isnt getting raided if they serve 85 year old ladies lookin to help the pain and eating problems of cancer, and i wouldnt be worried at all
  2. i grow everglades bud

    Addicted to Jack Herrer

    its called a harvest, thats were it came from its called a stoner, thats were it went lmao:fire:
  3. i grow everglades bud

    Finding a soulmate????

    dog, go out and find one, i dont understand why you need internet, go to a few parties, roll a few blunts there, have a sack, and youll meet a girl!! you dont even have to look good, as long as your interesting, and funny id bet my sack youll meet a chill as girl!! im an ugly fucker and my GF is...
  4. i grow everglades bud

    I made this marijuana milk concoction, I thought it wasn't working...

    dam im gonna make some now!! thanks bro
  5. i grow everglades bud

    8 years ago tomorrow, where were you?

    dam... 8 years now! i feel like it was yesterday i was sitting in school and my best friend got a call on his phone from his mom and answered it and he started cryin!! i was like whats wrong bro and his aunt died in the one that crashed in the middle of nowhere, then the p.a system told all...
  6. i grow everglades bud

    Petition to forever ban the fake FDD

    THIS MAKES ME SICK!!!! i love the real Fdd, he keeps this place scum bag free!! along with the other mods I GROW EVERGLADES BUD!!
  7. i grow everglades bud

    Our own R.I.U happy place

    preech that shit yes, we can be berry berry shneeky!!:evil: :peace:
  8. i grow everglades bud

    Post Your Poetry

    dam man, this happend to a buddy of mine too i loved it , i feel the heart behind that shit bro good post!! sorry about your buddy, luckily i knew who did it and cant imagine not being able to do anything ! stay strong live hard and smoke your herb :peace:
  9. i grow everglades bud

    Snorting weed does get you high

    god i love this site hahaha!!!
  10. i grow everglades bud

    Vending Machine - What do you want?

    OMFG I THOUGHT I WAS THE ONLY ONE TWISTY FRITOS ARE SO FUCKIN AMAZIN I DONT EVEN KNOW HOW TO DESCRIBE THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:bigjoint::bigjoint::bigjoint::bigjoint::bigjoint::bigjoint::bigjoint::bigjoint::bigjoint::!:
  11. i grow everglades bud

    Any Shrooms Yet? Seattle Area

    everett here, well till sat lol but i wish!! i cant find shit lol
  12. i grow everglades bud

    Our own R.I.U happy place

    lmao, no i didnt know, but i usually dont check unless i plan on goin to bed with um lmoa! and yeah i'm kinda disapointed with the openess of RIU lol
  13. i grow everglades bud

    Post Your Poetry

    lmao, that was way more hard core than mystic lmao
  14. i grow everglades bud

    LOL@ Greenhouse Description of Bubba Kush

    well then breed your own, lmao
  15. i grow everglades bud

    i ordered some gumballs from FDD and it came with a free bowl!!

    love the bowl FDD, i would like to order one some day !! i love custom shit that i know who made it!!=) makes me happy to support the little hobby man lmao
  16. i grow everglades bud

    Our own R.I.U happy place

    its ok k-town she still loves you lmao and to you mr. ganja, i didnt know but am sure glad your not, the guy to girl ratio on this site is like a sausage fest lmao. !!:bigjoint:
  17. i grow everglades bud

    Skewed Perception...

    totally agree bro, i have lost sooo much from wanting to smoke some herb and being honest about what and where i was doin and goin! i take and took full responsibility for my actions and choices, and was completly honest with my family and dad when i lived with him and was only persecuted and...
  18. i grow everglades bud

    Our own R.I.U happy place

    true that brother!!!
  19. i grow everglades bud

    Our own R.I.U happy place

    yeah, thats wat im thinkin, but i tlk to them about it and honestly i think its because she left and didnt take us with her, but they were too young to realize a 20 year old girl with a 7th grade education and a 30 year old abusive husband, couldnt take us, she had nothin!! like they never...
  20. i grow everglades bud

    Biggest marijuana plant and yield in world history!

    use a greenhouse with heat, have like 2 1000 hps, once the sun starts goin down, turn the lights on for a few hours during winter to keep it vegging, and veg untill its W.e height you want it! i could imagin the potential!!:)bongsmilie