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  1. Yesdog

    Can you have too much light?

    Do I have to use the font while writing the essay?
  2. Yesdog

    Can you have too much light?

    Just saw your edits- dude, I was totally stoned trolling. "minus two cents" had a fun ring to it. I type like I'm new to english, i'm the last person to be trying to correct anybody on that stuff in a serious tone lol -2 cents tho... that could not have been a mistake. That must have been...
  3. Yesdog

    Can you have too much light?

    Is it like... a font-of-the-week kinda thing? If so, I'm not interested. Otherwise... hmmm EDIT: And i won't tolerate any kerning. None, at all.
  4. Yesdog

    Can you have too much light?

    Minus two cents? Thought it was my two cents. Just my two cents.
  5. Yesdog

    Can you have too much light?

    There's some good pre-fabs available on Alibaba lol. Considered getting a crate and branding em, but just don't have that kind of space right now =\
  6. Yesdog

    CPU cooler COB mounting

    So, I've been fumbling around with this new COB project for a bit, slowly collecting pieces here and there. I've got a bunch of CXB3590s with mounting and reflectors, have been lazily trying to figure out mounting and stuff (with basically 0 tools for working with metal). I eventually found...
  7. Yesdog

    Root Rot Problem, need some advices.

    Yea, i'd maybe only apply a little while they germinate (bennies can 'take over' a seed before it roots some times, which isn't great), but if you germinate in a paper tower or something first, yea just slather the RW with GW where the tap root will go, and put the germ in there, should be all...
  8. Yesdog

    Low P High N grow results

    Awesome! Maybe I will reformulate down to 20ppm P (about 60ppm PO4), especially after seeing the levels maintain this well in my rez. Cutting down on Pi is also a great way to keep biolife in check (hence the algae blooms and other stuff you might get with high Pi in aquaponics, and probably...
  9. Yesdog

    Are fulvic/humic acids useful at all in non-organic hydro?

    Any time! Awesome, guess it really must be pH stable then, might have to try out ful-power after my ful-mag is done.
  10. Yesdog

    Low P High N grow results

    How into testing am I? Pretty into it lol. These Hanna tests all look pretty awesome, going to have to add it to my wish list for sure. Awesome, 30ppm phosphate, so about 10ppm elemental P. Everything still flower ok? I was initially going to target 20ppm but decided to preload a bit up to 30ppm P.
  11. Yesdog

    Root Rot Problem, need some advices.

    Ooh, but I do have some moderate proof that GW has at least some fungus- I did a kratky system with a clone transplant (static water culture) and packed the rockwool with GW. After a few days the roots popped out of the bottom (really healthy looking clone and roots), and i noticed there was...
  12. Yesdog

    Root Rot Problem, need some advices.

    Awesome! Excited to see the results. So much snake oil around these parts to sift through lol. I guess it would make sense that orca wouldnt have good fungus amount, everything ive ready says that at least mychs will just die in solution over time, only hope is to dry em out as spores.
  13. Yesdog

    Are fulvic/humic acids useful at all in non-organic hydro?

    yo! So, ful-power does make some interesting claims about it not effecting pH or ppm. As a soluble substance it with cation exchange sites.... it needs something there. Ful-mag is nice because the acids have already bound with Mg ions... no clue what else could be bound with it besides a metal...
  14. Yesdog

    AN nutes PH perfect ? ... NOT !!!

    I've read about a few nutrient lines that make that claim, there was one that even said it balances around a pH of 4 and has compared evenly with other nutrient lines. pH 'nutrient availability' is mix/recipe (solution) dependent. phosphates and carbonates are great at 'locking' (dissociating...
  15. Yesdog

    Root Rot Problem, need some advices.

    Not a problem bongsmilie. The bacteria in Hydroguard (bacillus Amyloliquefaciens) is a really great bacteria for hydroponic solutions. It keeps the solution clean by living off of the organics in the rez, plus produces an antibiotic that helps fight off other bacteria. It can also live freely in...
  16. Yesdog

    Root Rot Problem, need some advices.

    I also tend to go the 'live' vs 'sterile' route. Hydroguard + great white can do wonders. Great white is better for root-area applications (on the rockwool/media), hydroguard is great is for keeping the solution clean.
  17. Yesdog

    Are these ready to move to clay flood and drain?

    hmm, honestly now that i think about it, its probably not much different from any normal method of avoiding root rot. plus like zem said, not frying em with light. 'overwatering' (rot) and light are probably your only concerns. and not killing them with nutrients. I forget who on here said it...
  18. Yesdog

    Low P High N grow results

    That's fine, I'm honestly ok with dealing up to like... 15-20ppm variance. I mostly just got the test to check for almost-total depletion, so this is even better than i could have hoped.
  19. Yesdog

    Are these ready to move to clay flood and drain?

    I've read that you should wait for the second true set of leaves, or for roots to poke out. I put mine into rDWC right after I got the second set of leaves, they all survived.
  20. Yesdog

    Low P High N grow results

    Ok, so followed @Dumme advice (still kicking myself for not thinking of that) and now I'm getting a reading below the max. Looks like maybe 50-60ppm phosphate. Also, I have been using this stupid test wrong- it measures ppm phosphate, which is 3x elemental phosphorus. So I have about 16-20ppm...