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  1. P

    Should I flip to 12/12 or wait?

    I transplanted these 16 days ago into a 5 gallon pot of OF. The one in the back left is the biggest so far and I had to give it's first dose of growbig yesterday. The others are on plain water still. They're under a 600 MH, it's about 4 feet over them right now, I raised it because I got a...
  2. P

    Is this root rot in soil??

    I just transplanted them into 5 gallons of Ocean Forest, so they should have some nutrients now!
  3. P

    Is this root rot in soil??

    These plants have been in 1 gallon containers for about 4 weeks, and they've been in the side of my closet while my autoflowers sit under the light. Well, I thought they were getting burned by hot spots because they were sitting real close to my reflective surface and I could see the light...
  4. P

    HPS/MH safety concerning radiation or faulty bulbs

    I've heard that they can leak harmful radiation if the bulb is broken somehow. But obviously you could tell if it was broken.. but ya know..
  5. P

    HPS/MH safety concerning radiation or faulty bulbs

    Anyone have any information regarding radiation leaks from HPS/MH bulbs or ballasts. I heard this can be a danger from having a setup in your living space. Anyone have any info on the type of dangers that can be caused and how to detect them? What are the chances of some slow undetectable...
  6. P

    How can I turn this QWET into gummy candy

    I made some QWET with 190 proof everclear, first wash was for 20 seconds, turned out golden, gonna keep that for dabbing. Second wash was for 45 seconds, got a bright green antifreeze and I want to make some type of super potent candy with it. I don't want to cook some candy recipe though - I...
  7. P

    bad weather comin, harvest early??

    Here is the other one it looks a lot closer to being done. But ill probably keep flushing it for a few more days and keep it in the window
  8. P

    bad weather comin, harvest early??

    Thats why I said it has 2 weeks or more. High 62 low 45
  9. P

    bad weather comin, harvest early??

    My 2 outdoor plants have been doin good but the forecast looks like its going to cut them short. Rainy days in the entire forecast. The one plant, 9lb hammer, could probably go another week but I see a lot of amber on the sugar leaves and almost all cloudy on the buds. Tomorrow will be the last...
  10. P

    circadian rhythm drooping

    It could be overwatering, but i haven't seemed to notice a difference before/after I water. Wouldn't they always droop and not "prey" in the middle part of the day? Im still getting used to these 5 gallon pots but they feel pretty light when I water. Im going to post a picture later this evening...
  11. P

    circadian rhythm drooping

    These are autoflowers 27 days from sprout. They're in 5 gallon pots with Happy Frog soil and I haven't been giving anything but plain water yet. 600 watt MH cooltube with a bunch of 42 and 23 cfls around the sides. At first I had them going 24/0 but about a week and a half ago I dropped them to...
  12. P

    Auto shut down of grow lights by thermostat

    Exactly, it would probably be something that never even gets used. Just assurance in case of an electrical or equipment failure
  13. P

    Auto shut down of grow lights by thermostat

    Im not too worried about hermies but maybe I would set it to go off at 90 or 95, not 85. The only time it should get that hot in my closet would be from a fan failure (at which point im more concerned about keepin things from getting hot then a little bit of darkness). I have a 18 inch...
  14. P

    Auto shut down of grow lights by thermostat

    Anybody have any ideas on a cheap way to rig my 600w HID in my little closet to shut off if the temp gets above, say 85? Seems like a good safety idea to me as my extraction fan sits up in my attic and i'd hate to see what happens if a fan fails and that 600 w sits in my closet with no air flow
  15. P

    Heat stress, nitrogen toxicity or underwatering???

    Good idea buddy, you are right those pots sit on my deck and they do get pretty warm. Next year I think I'm gonna put some of my reflective grow room material around the pots
  16. P

    Heat stress, nitrogen toxicity or underwatering???

    Cant be overwatering man it's 3 gallon pots and in 90 plus degree days during rapid growth the pots dry out multiple times per day. I was going to transplant into 5's so I didnt have to water so much but I was afraid of stressing them out during the transplant. I use the pot lift technique so I...
  17. P

    Heat stress, nitrogen toxicity or underwatering???

    Will a plant that looks like that be able to produce quality bud? I know the yield will definately be drastically reduced, but it should still be able to produce dense bud right? If its gonna be a bunch of popcorn, Im not wasting any more nutes on it
  18. P

    Heat stress, nitrogen toxicity or underwatering???

    I dont think so man I went out there and they look way worse. It just baffles me how they took it so bad but the other strain is just fine
  19. P

    Heat stress, nitrogen toxicity or underwatering???

    We had a upper 90's degree day yesterday and my back deck plants had to be watered twice. Im using FF nutes and I gave 1.5 tbs of growbig, 1.5 of tiger and 2 of big bloom for the first watering and when that dried out I watered with molasses as usual. It was only a half tbs more of growbig than...