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  1. P

    which side of this reflective material faces out?

    Picked this up at a local hydro store and tried to find more info online but found out its been discontinued for a while. Looks like some pretty good stuff. Which side should I face out? The inside of the role is a little more dull and you can see the threads but the outside is more...
  2. P

    lollipopping question

    When you lollipop you cut off the lower nodes that are shaded or farther away from the light. Do you want to cut off that nodes accompanying fan leaf at the base of the node as well? Because I have left them there in the past, thinking more leaves the better, but it seems all that leaf energy...
  3. P

    could these be little male hermie flowers opened?

    Ok man I understand the pics suck. There are a lot of pistils but right at the very bud tip some of them almost look like male balls right at the tip.. But I could be wrong and that might just be how the little colas will look since i topped it early in flower
  4. P

    could these be little male hermie flowers opened?

    I accidentally topped my plant right when it started budding. I had it inside under 12/12 because I thought it might be male but then it started throwing a bunch of pistils so I put it back out where its getting 14 hours of daylight and dropping. I had to pick off a few immature dangley hermie...
  5. P

    Will the browning of pistils effect yield

    little bit of PM I got on my backyard deck grow because the neighbors sprinkler was blowing some mist over here and I didn't notice it for a few days. Got it all taken care of now though the greencure fungicide seems to have slowed the growth down and now I have two oscillating fans and a cheapo...
  6. P

    Will the browning of pistils effect yield

    I sprayed w/ greencure fungicide trying not to get it on the buds, but a little bit did and the pistils browned. I noticed quite a few sprayed brown the pistils. Will the calyx continue growing or does that effect yield??
  7. P

    400 watt or 600 watt hid in this closet?

    If I get a 600 watt with a dimmable ballast, couldn't I just dim it down %75 if it runs too hot?
  8. P

    400 watt or 600 watt hid in this closet?

    Not sure which strain I'm gonna run yet but probably 2 or 3 from mephisto
  9. P

    400 watt or 600 watt hid in this closet?

    The area I want to light is 4' x 2' , that leaves me room to put an oscillating fan in there and some room in the front. I think I will have to go with the 600 if I want to upgrade. And the breaker is 20 amp This is one of those closets with 2 sliding doors, 65" x 32", since I'm doing autos and...
  10. P

    400 watt or 600 watt hid in this closet?

    There is 500 watts of CFL there and I pulled 280 grams off of that. I want to upgrade and get rid of the top CFL's and put a 400 watt cool tube set up in there, and exhaust running up to the attic crawlspace with a good 6 inch fan. Do you think a 400 watt hid is enough to provide a substantial...
  11. P

    Azamax for Powdery mildew?

    I had read about Neem oil working for Pm so that's why I was thinking my azamax might be a good idea to use as a spot foliar spray where I see the mildew. Obviously as a secondary treatment to the greencure I applied. I also put a couple fans out on the deck with them which I think is going to...
  12. P

    Azamax for Powdery mildew?

    I have an grow on the back deck and 2 in flowering have it pretty bad. I've been spraying Greencure on the first branch that showed it, and it's improving but not disappearing. However today I found it on another plant, big time. I'm going to give it the greencure treatment when lights go down...
  13. P

    Can a vegging male plant showing small preflowers, pollinate my female autos nearby

    Im seeing a lot of these little wispy type things in the preflower area too, which I know isn't a calyx but shaped like one and looks more like a very small leaf emerging but im worried it could be a single banana (its kind of hard to see in this pic, but im not talking about the stipules)
  14. P

    Can a vegging male plant showing small preflowers, pollinate my female autos nearby

    Well it looks like male pre-flowers to me but I think I should wait a while longer because Ive had females before that seemed to show these early one. But I really think its a male. It also has more pointy looking growth in the pre-flower area but I think this might have just been little new...
  15. P

    Can a vegging male plant showing small preflowers, pollinate my female autos nearby

    I have 9 beatiful autos outside right now which are in full flower and 4 regular photos which are just now starting to show bits of vegetation where the preflower areas are. A lot of little balls are showing on some which im sure are male so Ive isolated those ones indoors by a window until I...
  16. P

    Are Rec Prices dropping nationwide?

    IMO prices on the legal recreational market here in WA are ridiculous. $12 PLUS a gram and $8 gram for some schwaggy outdoor crap
  17. P

    Is this powder mildew?

    Thanks for all the suggestions guys. I sprayed with that greencure stuff at a rate of 1 tbs per gallon, covered just that entire branch. This morning some of the white stuff is still there, but not as much. I think I'm gonna set up a fan on a 30 minute timer pointing on that one to help keep it...
  18. P

    Is this powder mildew?

    Do I need to spray the whole plant? And the other plants? That would be fucked. Im hoping I can just spray the infected branch and get away with that
  19. P

    Is this powder mildew?

    Ive been known to do weird shit in my sleep
  20. P

    Is this powder mildew?

    Just went to the hydro store and picked up GreenCure Fungicide "For organic gardening" Anybody use this? Hope I didn't buy an expensive can of baking soda Should I cut the infected leaves off? It'll make that cola weak but its a small lower branch anyways