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  1. ChroniklesOfTheDankSide

    Male, Female, Too Early to Tell?

    Oooo....I think i may do that then... I'll try both. By the time my lights arrive, they should have some roots, and i'll be able to just throw them into flowering. Awesome....Very Awesome...I like it when i hear good news.
  2. ChroniklesOfTheDankSide

    Heat Burn, Nute Deficiency, or what?

    Okay, water spots would make sense. cause on occassion i do accidentally pour water onto the leaves, and neglect to wipe off the bubbles. But it's like this on 2 other plants also, It's not super bad, only on a leaf or two. D: at first i thought it was a Nute burn...which worried the shit out...
  3. ChroniklesOfTheDankSide

    Heat Burn, Nute Deficiency, or what?

    Any ideas? anyone?
  4. ChroniklesOfTheDankSide

    Male, Female, Too Early to Tell?

    I am gonna be transplanting them once My new stuff arrives in the next few days.
  5. ChroniklesOfTheDankSide

    Male, Female, Too Early to Tell?

    I totally would snap off a clone and try it but i can't for 2 reasons. A. ) These are the only lights i have till the new clamp lamps w/ Reflectors arrive in the mail. B. ) I Don't have any kind of Rooting Compound to ensure good root growth. Can i still get clones to root, even without a...
  6. ChroniklesOfTheDankSide

    2 weeks into flowering, how is she looking?

    Lookin good!, Sativa or Indica?
  7. ChroniklesOfTheDankSide

    Male, Female, Too Early to Tell?

    >.< Damnitttttt ughhhh the suspense is killllllllling meeeeee
  8. ChroniklesOfTheDankSide

    Male, Female, Too Early to Tell?

    Any ideas? I havent seen Pre Flowers yet, or any hairs at all. But idk...2 of them look different at their tops, then the other 3 so i figured i'd ask. Male ? Female? Too Early To Tell?
  9. ChroniklesOfTheDankSide

    Heat Burn, Nute Deficiency, or what?

    D: what is this?
  10. ChroniklesOfTheDankSide

    Confused as **** about FoxFarms Schedule.

    Well i found the entire line, + Open seseme, cha ching, and sledgehammer. All in a bundle for 20$ on ebay. The portions they provide are enough for 1 grow. So i think i will get those soon
  11. ChroniklesOfTheDankSide

    Confused as **** about FoxFarms Schedule.

    But since my plants are already in week 6 of Veg, Would i just continue from where the Label says? Or would i need to start the nutrients as if it were week one?
  12. ChroniklesOfTheDankSide

    Home made Nutrients ?

    Purchased some Fox Farms : Grow Big Only a 4oz container for like 6$ ( FREE SHIPPINGGGGGGG ) It'll be here between the 16th - 18th :D I know i buckled under the pressure, but someone made a valid point. I can still use all my Organic Nutes, if i apply much less of the Liquid Nutrients to my...
  13. ChroniklesOfTheDankSide

    Confused as **** about FoxFarms Schedule.

    Okay, so i finally buckled, threw some money into paypal, and then headed to Ebay for some nutes. I snagged myself, a Clamp Light with Reflector Dome, E27 Socket Adapter ( allows for 2 bulbs in 1 socket ) AND 4oz Container of Fox Farms Big Grow Nutrient. 6-4-4 This Label confuses the...
  14. ChroniklesOfTheDankSide

    heat stress or nutrient deficiency?

    Yea i agree, looks a bit like heat stress, although, i dont see why it would burn a lower branch before singeing a higher one, so....could be either one mate.
  15. ChroniklesOfTheDankSide

    Help sex this plant !!!!!

    Don't use nutes until like 30 days into the grow. Your plants arent ready for steroids yet bro lol. Also...It's way to early to tell sex of the plant. AND IF ITS AN AUTO, This thread is pointless then. All Autos are feminized...they dont even have a Veg stage of the grow, it goes from Seed >...
  16. ChroniklesOfTheDankSide

    Help First Time with CFL

    I think personally, im going to invest in 2 of those LED UFO's. They grow plants like wild fire burns mountains lol. Because CFL growing seems to me like more of the " high school kid hiding his grow from mom and dad " type of deal, yuh dig? Just use nutes sparingly like i said, and you're...
  17. ChroniklesOfTheDankSide

    Help First Time with CFL

    XD thats all soil growing is....Maintaining constant light schedules, and watering the plant when needed. ( once the top inch of dirt is dry, then water ) It's really easy, and i think your making it more complicated than it needs to be lol. CFL's just dont produce enough buds lol. They work...
  18. ChroniklesOfTheDankSide

    Help First Time with CFL

    Yea there are. They're usually plastic, and come on a keyring. I think walmart carries them, or a dollar store. But hey, its your grow. Do what you feel is right. don't just take my word for it lol.
  19. ChroniklesOfTheDankSide

    Home made Nutrients ?

    XD thats really funny that you linked me a WA Uni. Website lol, i use to go there XD
  20. ChroniklesOfTheDankSide

    Home made Nutrients ?

    :D Yea man, I just like the whole concept of Organic growing, lol. I mean, cannabis use to only be organically grown, and it was good enough for old timers back then, so It's good enough for me now. Hopefully next year i can make my own compost for my outdoor grow, Montana is a prime place to...