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  1. MRGanja12

    nut questions.

    tehehe my bad fixed it now :D
  2. MRGanja12

    nut questions.

    well since money is tight not useing nutes wont kill the plant but give them some if needed and sure u could use any kinda fert good luck :D
  3. MRGanja12

    ready to harvest? (pictures with 16MEGAPIXLES)

    amazeing quality and nope still 2-3 weeks :D but looking sweet nice work man :D
  4. MRGanja12

    Hey guys major newbie here.

    how long have u had them in budding phase?
  5. MRGanja12

    Hey guys major newbie here.

    and also if thats 2 plants in one pot replant in different pots :D or maybe the root system is to big so u can not :(
  6. MRGanja12

    Hey guys major newbie here.

    maybe use some nutes (phosphorus based fert cause this helps them bud but also they need a lil nitrogen) they dont look that bad tbh just need a little bit more loveing ie remove the leaves which are not gaining any light because they are a waist of energy and i think u said how long do they...
  7. MRGanja12

    MY Growing thread :D

    going to be uploading pics tmoz now kinda busy but worth the wait :D
  8. MRGanja12

    planting 2 plants per pot

    i am thinking about doin this also but im thinking its bad for the plants growth am i right? or is it ok to do it
  9. MRGanja12

    MY Growing thread :D

    :leaf:Hey guys im am going to be adding pics and stuff once my camera comes today :D Strain:ak-47(auto) Soil: Store bought with no nutritional content Indoor:attic Pics to come today :D:leaf:
  10. MRGanja12

    2nd grow under 150W HPS

    :D enjoyed lookin through this:D nice work man
  11. MRGanja12

    1st grow w/ pics

    hey man looking good so far as u said about a stealth grow go to a computer shop and buy a atx case they have plenty room to grow in and also very stealthy gl!
  12. MRGanja12

    seedlings watering

    would love to see your setup some pics please
  13. MRGanja12

    newbie here, looking for a spot to start but i am clueless... old spot pics?

    tbh go buy a cheap computer case and mod it :D i have and im a first time grower and upto now they are doing well :D
  14. MRGanja12


    the joys of this forum you just keep learning
  15. MRGanja12


    im totaly new to all this but other plants which i know of which is similar to cannabis probs bout 15-30
  16. MRGanja12

    Using 1 CFL for pc growbox

    hey rick was it you who i told how to modify the psu if so add some pics :D im waiting for my camera to come so i can add some pics of my babys there like 7 days old now and showing 3 sets of leaves ak-47 auto and i also am using a computer case :D
  17. MRGanja12

    plants looking sickly need nutes

    and also its not strong amounts so its probs inposs to nute burn then
  18. MRGanja12

    plants looking sickly need nutes

    carbonated water(fizzy water) has nitrogen potassium and some other things they like but not needed so tbh give it a spray of that untill ur stuff comes also its good cause its got oxygen in it which plants love but only spray this on
  19. MRGanja12

    Little help

    just put them under a 250w light so they can have a little bit of rest from the 1000w
  20. MRGanja12

    Little help

    ima useing a 1000w light like 2 foot above both plants should be enough juice :D