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  1. MRGanja12

    Little help

    hey guys sorry about not being able to add pics tryin to find phone :P but anyway i have my little babys which are like 5 days since popped past soil and they are apart from 1 its started to go a a light green/yellow colour at the and of one of the leaves ie like a little speck but still the...
  2. MRGanja12

    how abou a hand here pics inside

    Hey jman this is what i think them yellow leaves are just because they was not getting light the reason why i think this is because overall Ur plants look healthy :D hope you find your answer :D
  3. MRGanja12

    Outdoor seedling stopped growing ..

    once them pics are up you will get a better response :D
  4. MRGanja12

    Clones drooping, first time cloning help please?

    yes :D this will give them some extra water :D
  5. MRGanja12

    Clones drooping, first time cloning help please?

    also are u useing something to cover them up cause as the guy said above direct light is bad untill roots go get a incubator cover (see through plastic lid) and spray some water on em and over the lid and close it and pray :D
  6. MRGanja12

    Clones drooping, first time cloning help please?

    well try taking a single branch and timing the leaves off apart from the top ones and give that a shot:D
  7. MRGanja12

    Clones drooping, first time cloning help please?

    have no exp with cloning atall (Yet) but from what i have read up aint you ment to just take a single branch trim off the other leaves and put it in the rooting jell asap so a bubble does not rise through the stem and inst kill the clone?
  8. MRGanja12

    New grow starting 2morrow

    going to enjoy watching ur babys grow :D il upload a few pics of mine also when i can find me camera :D
  9. MRGanja12

    Little bit of advice

    ignore this had to delete a comment i made which was retarded :P
  10. MRGanja12

    Little bit of advice

    ok gona turn off the input fans
  11. MRGanja12

    Little bit of advice

    i just added a 1000w light which i found in attic just gave them 6 straight hours with it and they have doubled in size and the leaves look amazing green :D now i have just put them back to a 900lumens light dont know what watts for 3 hours till the light cools down i am useing a ac unit to blow...
  12. MRGanja12

    Little bit of advice

    also 1 last question my seedlings are about 5 and a half days old but they seems little but small but i think this is ok since they are auto floweing so they dont veg am i right?
  13. MRGanja12

    Little bit of advice

    Thanks alot man and ofc using organic fuck dem nasty chemicals
  14. MRGanja12

    Little bit of advice

    and i mean is auto flower still good quality bud?
  15. MRGanja12

    Little bit of advice

    so im not not gona clone it atall
  16. MRGanja12

    Little bit of advice

    thanks alot mate would it still be enjoyable (got a normal afgan kush growing so :D)
  17. MRGanja12

    Little bit of advice

    is there a flaw with the quality of yield or the finished bud :D
  18. MRGanja12

    Little bit of advice

    why may i ask ?
  19. MRGanja12

    Little bit of advice

    it is a auto flower ak-47 so would this be able to do it? and about the deadline i am growing 3 plants just want to have bud ready to keep me going till my next plant is ready i am going to be cycling my plants by cloning them and repeating so i have a constant supply of bud and also i have read...
  20. MRGanja12

    Little bit of advice

    hey guys im a beginner and i am just wondering if i could get my plant to be harvested like at the end of November by leting it veg for 3-4 weeks then pitting it straight into flowering for 2 months would this work and how would the final product be ?:leaf: