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  1. C

    What size bubbler tub?

    I should also mention; the tub will have to be more square than rectangle to help with height restrictions. If the net pot is 7.5cm tall how tall should the tub be ?
  2. C

    What size bubbler tub?

    Hi, i am wondering what size tub i should use for a DWC bubble system; my grow space is 1m(h)0.4m(w/d). Thanks in advance. peace x
  3. C

    What to grow in, any ideas ??

    Cheers for the reply back Jogro; ive purchased the chest of drawers. Is 39db loud for fans ? i want this to be relatively silent; so no unwanted ears pick up on it. Some 120mm computer fans off ebay; 78CFM but run at 39db. What do you think, too loud or ? Cheers again, peace x
  4. C

    What to grow in, any ideas ??

    Hi, Ive recently purchased a 150w hps light and ballast and am looking for something to grow in that can be disguised as a normal piece of furniture; stealth is the key. Some ideas: Tall Chest of Drawers on ebay; Height 115cm Width 49cm Depth 39cm -...
  5. C

    First Grow Ideas - let me know what you think so i can get this started

    Ill do what you have done and use a larger volt input charger to power all my fans. May decide to just use 120mm fans as it saves buying a different size holesaw bit for my drill. Thanks again mate you have been massively helpful.
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    First Grow Ideas - let me know what you think so i can get this started

    oh you really are too helpful, yeah i have seen a wiring of fans to a 12v phone charger, how many fans per 12v charger would you recommend ? - this is the fan i saw one someones thread. 3 intake, 2 exhaust should cover the space ...
  7. C

    First Grow Ideas - let me know what you think so i can get this started

    Cheers for the reply panda, possibly a cheap and cheerful CF&Fan package which I've seen for £50 could be a better approach. Ah walmart; a great store for you people in the US. The up-side of pc fans is the the quietness; want this to be reasonably stealthy. Do you know whether you can wire up...
  8. C

    First Grow Ideas - let me know what you think so i can get this started

    Hello, I've been wanting to start my first grow for a while now and think i may have found the perfect setup for a reasonable price; which was my major worry as I'm pretty skint. These are my ideas: Cab - Size H122, W36, D50.3cm.
  9. C

    Just an Idea, let me know if you think this will work.

    i was talking more of the cfls on greens not the household ones, may have to find a uk online shop that sells cfls that arent 12w
  10. C

    150w hps

    ah right, good product off ebay, im looking for one to use in a small grow, mabey a 250w cooltube is the best option. cheers matey
  11. C

    150w hps

    Hi, wondering if someone direct me to a 150w hps grow light that is sold from a UK store; cant seem to find one online anywhere Thanks in advance
  12. C

    Just an Idea, let me know if you think this will work.

    yeah true ive seen a few good results from CFL, they cost roughly the same for a 250w hps to cfl, which is a bit annoying as you'll get better results with a hps.
  13. C

    Just an Idea, let me know if you think this will work.

    Hello boys and girls, hope everyone had a good Christmas and new year. Well lets get to it shall we...Im wanting to grow in a stealth chest of drawers, roughly 60(W)80(H)35(D)cm these measurements may vary abit. Im wanting to maximize my results in the small grow space so ive thought of this...
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    drobe lighting

    yeah a cooltube would be best, but o cool tubes actualy fit in the space i have...
  15. C

    drobe lighting

    Hi im wanting to grow 1 plant in a 1 door wardrobe, 60(D)50(W)200(D) from ikea. Wondering if you reckon a 400w hps will run cool enough for this space. Looking at the 400whps duel spec envirolight from greens; 2 clip on fans, 1 clipped to the reflector aimed at the light also using only passive...
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    Veg and Flower drobe

    Hi, quick question, do you reckon a 200cm tall wardrobe with a 60x50 floor space would be big enough to house a veg chamber at the bottom and a flower at the top, growing only 1 plant. some serious LST and scrogging will have to be done i know but wondering if its possable, or if anyone has seen...
  17. C

    2 plant dwc system

    yeah wel i reckon 1 plant will keep me going anyhow. very true words. hopefully will be updating on my first grow in a week or so. thanks again
  18. C

    2 plant dwc system

    Didnt mean to post 2 identical replied there, oops. 50x60 floor dimension infact; not much difference; some cheap single door wardrobe from ikea. mite think about building a small veg area aswell. Sounds like you have a nice setup there; wish i had more room and my own place; so everything...
  19. C

    2 plant dwc system

    yeah think ill just grow 1 plant and see how it pans out; getting too carried away here looking at other peoples threads. Thanks for the help matey
  20. C

    2 plant dwc system

    yeah think im getting too carried away. will settle with a single plant and see how its pans out. Cheers matey for the help.