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    2 plant dwc system

    Will i ? ah. was thinking 5 week veg 7 week flower. is that all wrong; i appretiate the quick responce mate; sorry for the novice questions.
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    2 plant dwc system

    also to add. i really want to aim for 6oz every 2-3 months; using a 250w hps in there. am i asking too much ? so thats 170g for the 250w to muster.
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    2 plant dwc system

    is so hard to find a 10 gallon tub thatll fit in the area i have, as metasynth (thanks) mentioned; would you recommend just growing 1 plant in the floor space i have. the cab is 2m tall so about 160cm growing height space. Thanks
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    2 plant dwc system

    Has anyone seen a 2 plant dwc system; my space is only small 50x40cm floor space. thinking 2 oxypots of dwc buckets will not fit in. If i have to build the system what size (gallon) container should i use for 2 plants. Cheers in advance. peace x
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    Although this is a small tent some of you must be using one to grow in; only looking to grow 1 plant. looking for other peoples grows using a dr40 and what equipment they used for the small space. Thanks for looking, cheers. Tuna
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    DS60 - first time grower

    Hi all; soon to start my first grow; very much looking forward to it! Due to the small space i have; i am going to be using a DS60,H(140)L/D(60)cm Looking to grow 2 plants using DWX bubbler system hopefully. Wondering if anyone has any experience using a DS60; and whether theres any DS60 2...
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    DIY cooler tube for a 250W HPS

    Hi Rob; where have you seen a cooltube for 40-5 £; obviously a bought one would be ideal for me as i aint no handy man. Cheers all for help
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    What fan for such a small space ?!

    Yeah your not wrong by saying people have heat issues in small gorws; especially if i plan to use a 250w hps; i think a 4" Extraction fan; multiple passice intakes and a 10" clip-on fan pointed diretly at the light will keep temps down; what ya think ?
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    DIY cooler tube for a 250W HPS

    Im from the UK; is a pitty really, from reading peoples threads walmart and other american stores are very usefull for home DIY and growing. Will have a look around though. Cheers
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    DIY cooler tube for a 250W HPS

    Hi; im wanting to build myself a colltube as i think the cabinet i will be growing in will become far too hot, H(90)D(40)W(65); using a 250HPS. I want to use some sorte of piped glass attached to the CF which is being sucked through by a 4" fan [--Filter--]=ducting={DIY...
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    What fan for such a small space ?!

    Isnt that just a computer fan ? i reckon i will need to use a carbon filter when in flower. Will a computer fan be powerfull enough to hook up to a CF ? A shower fan could be a good and cheaper alternative; was worried about the noise level. Thanks for help lads; nice to know someone is helpfull
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    What fan for such a small space ?!

    Help is much appretiated; and i am in need of alot...
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    What fan for such a small space ?!

    Very true; its made of rubbish but dont really want to spend £100 odd on a fan. Lookin for a cheap ol grow
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    What fan for such a small space ?!

    Hi peeps, just a few questions for a first time grower.. My space is going to be roughly H(85)L(65)W(40)cm; small but im growing in a sneaky cabinet; not sure what as of yet Need to find a extractor fan and filter for my small space. Might buy: Filter -...
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    First CFL Grow - Lighting Issue

    I will have that in mind if i do go along with the CFLs; cheers sunnyjim. May of had a change of decision, possibly use a Digital 250W Grow Light; you reckon this will be ok (temperature wise) in a space of H(85)L(65)D(40). Growing in a discuised chest of drawers is my plan. Cheers for the...
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    First CFL Grow - Lighting Issue

    found you can actualy buy them on amazon; also found this. Anyone know if this could work ? Cheers
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    First CFL Grow - Lighting Issue

    Have been looking for a 4 socket light fixture to then use Y adaptors to enable me to use 8 bulbs, whered you get your fixture from ? Cheers
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    First CFL Grow - Lighting Issue

    Have been looking around for a related thread to mine for help but cant see one. Im going to start growing shortly and need a little guiding and help along the way. I have decided to use cfls; as a cheaper alternative. Have been looking around for Y adaptors but cant find a UK store that...
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    What to Grow?

    This is going to be my first grow in my new student house. Going to be growing in a cabinet sized, H85.6 x W66.8 x D33c. Not big i know; but is all i can fit in. Going to be using a 250Watt Duel Spectrum Lamp, a 4" Fan and Filter and my own made DWC pots (using tupplewear). I dont know what to...
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    Cab grow ideas

    Hi all; my first post and hopefully my first grow. Doing a small scale setup; here are my ideas.. Cab size - H75, W84, D52.5cm, a 2 door cupboard off amazon for £45 Pots - 2 IWS DWC Single Bubbler systems Lighting - 250, possably 400W Eurolight system; found on most grow sites Ventilation - 4"...