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  1. MoonDuneBuggy

    CFL or 80 Watts of COB LEDs for My Seedlings??

    So 28 watts of cob for seedlings?
  2. MoonDuneBuggy

    COB Question

    Thank you my dude!!!!!!
  3. MoonDuneBuggy

    CFL or 80 Watts of COB LEDs for My Seedlings??

    I want to know as well
  4. MoonDuneBuggy

    COB Question

    Since you have the 2vl i want to get your input. I know I have to have the cob 2vl set to 150w for flower but what about the seedling stage and then the wattage for veg stage? Sorry for the many questions.
  5. MoonDuneBuggy

    COB Question

    I know I have to have the cob 2vl set to 150w for flower but what about the seedling stage and then the wattage for veg stage? Sorry for the many questions.
  6. MoonDuneBuggy

    COB Question

    Thank you my dude! Is there like a bar graph on the dimmer?
  7. MoonDuneBuggy

    COB Question

    Hello RIU family! I just purchased and waiting for my timber 2vl and now waiting for it to get to me. I have a 2x2 and I want to keep my grow at 150w during flower. I was wondering if I can use one of those wall outlet readers to dim it exactly to 150w on the reader. I am not sure if that...
  8. MoonDuneBuggy

    Newbie Grower - Organic Grow - Soil Question

    Talk about hijacking duuude...
  9. MoonDuneBuggy

    Newbie Grower - Organic Grow - Soil Question

    I think making something you just have to water is making it simple vs playing chemist down the road. When I make my batch that I just listed it takes no more than 5 min to put together and then just wait for it to cook. Ez peazy
  10. MoonDuneBuggy

    Newbie Grower - Organic Grow - Soil Question

    The tent link isnt working right btw. I prefer using roots organics, it has always treated me well. Just know to fill 1/3 of the pot with super soil and the rest with base soil. Super soil recipes involve huuuuge portions. Doing some math I use the following to make a 8-9 quarts of super...
  11. MoonDuneBuggy

    many seeds low space

    1! Top, lst, and defoliate a bit will make it grow horizontally more.
  12. MoonDuneBuggy

    Good time to flush?(pics included)

    No problem PM me if you ever have any questions.
  13. MoonDuneBuggy

    Good time to flush?(pics included)

    Yes nute burn. Ease off your nutes or it will get worse and lockout
  14. MoonDuneBuggy

    Good time to flush?(pics included)

    You are far away, still 3-4 weeks left
  15. MoonDuneBuggy


    Yay love experiments. You pretty much topped her way to soon essentially. Following to see what happens.
  16. MoonDuneBuggy

    Light or Nutrient Burn?

    Answer these simple questions the best you can. If you do not know, or do not use something; Just say so = NA Strain; Type, Bag seed, official company… name of strain: Age from Sprout: Soil in pots, Hydroponic, or Coco / Brand and type of Soil & Size of Pots: How often do you water and how...
  17. MoonDuneBuggy

    Leaves Tips Browning?

    Looks like heat stress to me
  18. MoonDuneBuggy

    Decent for first time?

    No the light is 600w actual is probably 270
  19. MoonDuneBuggy

    Decent for first time?
